Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/781

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736 Chairman, Director, assistants, etc . Duties of commis- sioners . Report to Congress . Duration . Acceptance of co n- tribu tions ; use re- stri cted . Appropriati on authorised . Post, p. 1112 . August 23, 1935. [S.J.Res.122.j [Pub . Res., No. 54.1 Lake Champlain . C onse nt gran ted New York and Ver- mont to enter amenda- tory agree ment r espect - ing bridge const ructio n across . Vol . 45, p. 120 , amended . Proviso. Federal jurisdiction not impaired . Amendat ory agr ee- men t. 74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I . CHS . 624, 625 . AUGUST 23, 1935. S EC . 3 . The Commission shall select a chairman and appoint a Direc tor, who s hall appoi nt, w ith t he ap prova l of the C ommis sion, such assistants and subordinates as he deems necessary . SEC. 4 . That it shall be the duty of the commissioners, after pro- mulgating to the American peo ple an address relative to th e reason of its creation and of its pu rpose, to prepare a plan or p lans and a program for the adequate celebration of the sesquicentennial anni- versary, and to give due and proper consideration to any plan or plans which may be submitted t o them ; and to take suc h steps as may be necessary in the coordination and correlation of plans prepared by State's commissions, or by bodies created under appoint- ment by the Governors of the respective States, and by representative civic bodies . SEC. 5 . That the Commission shall, on or before the 20th day of January 1936, make a report to the Congress, in order that enabling legislation may be enacted . S EC . 6 . That the Commission hereby created shall expire December 31, 1939 . SEC. 7 . That the Commission may receive from any source con- tributions to aid in carrying out the general purpose of this resolu- tion, but the same sha ll be expended and accounted for in the same manner as any appropriation wh ich may be made under authority of this Act. SEC . 8 . There is hereby authorized to be appropriated the sum of $10,000 to defray necessary expenses . Approved, August 23, 1935 . [CHAPTER 625 .] JOI NT RESOLU TION Granting the consent of Congress to the States of New York and Vermont to enter into an agreement amending the agreement between such States con- sented t o by Con gress in Public Resoluti on Numbe red 9, S eventiet h Congre ss, rel ati ng to the cre ati on of the Lak e Champlain Bridge Commission . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United S tates o f America in Congres s assembled, That the consent of Congress is hereby granted to the States of New York and Ver- mont to enter into the amendatory agreement executed on March 30, 1935, by the commissioners duly appointed on the part of such States, amending the original agreement entered into by such States for the creation of the Lake Champlain Bridge Commission, which original agreement was consented to by Congress by Public Resolution Num- bered 9, Seventieth Congress, approved February 16, 1 928, a nd eve ry part and a rticl e of such amend atory agre ement is h ereby rati fied, app rov ed, a nd con fir me d : P rov ide d, That not hing therein contained shall be construed as impairing or in any manner affecting any right or jurisdiction of the United States in and over the region which forms the subject of such amendatory agreement ; which amendatory agreement is as follows : Whereas the States of New York and Vermont heretofore and on the 11th day of May 1927 entered into an agreement or com- pact, duly authorized by law, creating the Lake Champlain Bridge Commission ; and Whereas the legislatures of said States have authorized their respective commissione rs to enter into an agreemen t or compact amending said existing agreement or compact : Now, therefore, The said States of New York and Vermont do hereby enter into the following agreement, to wit :