Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/791

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74'ri3 CONGRESS . SESS . I . CH. 639 . AUGUST 24, 1935 . In eligi bilit y of per-

SEC . 7 . No person shall be eligible to receive aid under the pro- son who publicly solic- its alms. visions of this Act who, after receiving said aid publicly solicits alms in any manner, either by wearing, carrying, ' or exhibiting signs denoting blindness for the securing of alms, or by any signs calling attention to blindness exhibited on wares and merchandise, or the carrying of receptacles for the purpose of securing alms, or the doing of th e same by proxy , or by station ary or house-to -house begging, or any other means of publicly securing aid . Removals as affect- SEC . 8 . Any person qualifying for and receiving aid hereunder ing entitlement to re- ceive benefits. who removes himself from the jurisdiction of the District of Columbia and thereby ceases to be a resident, shall no longer be entitled to the benefits and aid under the provisions of this Act . Absence for a reasonable length of time, as designated by the Board, shall not work a forfeiture hereunder . benefits denied. whom SEC . 9 . The benefits hereof shall not be granted to any person between the ages of sixteen and fifty-five years who, having no occupation and being both physically and mentally capable of some usef ul occupation, or of rece iving vocational or other training, refuses for any reason to engage in such useful occupation, or refuses to Pr oviso . Refusing surgical, avail himself of such vocational or other training : Provided, That no etc. , treatments . person shall be entitled to the benefits of this Act who shall refuse to submit to any treatment or operation for blindness when such treatment or operation is recommended by three examining oculists and approve d by th e Board or its designat ed agen cy . Pe rsons inel igibl e to benefits .

10. No person shall be eligible to the benefits of this Act who . shall hereafter either intentionally deprive himself of his eyesight or assist in the destruction thereof by others ; or hereafter shall lose his eyesight during the perpetration of a criminal offense ; or shall here after lose his eyesight b y reason of vicious habit s . d red. of kin . SEC. 11 . The kindred of any persons otherwise entitled to aid u nder the provi sion s of this Act, in line and degre e of spou se, fathe r, child, or grandchild living in the District of Columbia and of sufficient ability so to do shall be bound to support such person, in the order above named and in proportion to their respective ability . s uit to re cov er If at any time during the continuance of aid the Board of Commis- amoun t of assis tance . sioners or its designated agency has reason to believe that a spouse, father, child, or grandchild is reasonably able to assist him, it shall be empowered to bring suit, after notifying such person of the amount of such aid, against such spouse, father, child, or grandchild to recover the amount of such aid provided under this Act, or such par t thereof as such spou se, father, child, or grandchild was reasonably able to pay. Estate of recipient,

SeC . 12 . At the. death of a recipient of aid under this Act, or of etc . Aid received to be a the last survivor of a ma rried couple either on e of whom have preferred claim against . received aid, the total amount of aid since the first grant, together with simple interest at the rate of 3 per centum per annum, shall be deducted and allowed by the proper courts out of the proceeds of his property as a preferred claim against the estate of the person so assisted, and refunded to the Treasurer of the United States to the credit of the District of Columbia, leaving the balance for distribu- P rovis o.

tion among the lawful heirs in accordance with law : Provided That Conservation of

g prop erty, etc . upon sufficient cause, such as mismanagement, failure to keep in repair, or the inability of any recipient of aid properly to manage his property, the designated agency of the Board may demand the a ssignmen t or tr ansfer o f such property , or a proper p art the reof, upon the first grant of such aid, or at any time thereafter that it d eems adv isable for the purpose of safe guardin g the in terest of an applicant or for the protection of the funds of the District of Colum-