Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/89

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74n CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 31. MARCH 15, 1935 . Failure to red uce

(c) The reasons for the failure generally to reduce telephone rates rates, etc . and charges during the years of declining prices ; and the extent, if any, to which local subscribers or the users of toll service have borne the cost of the research developments for telephone equipment and appliances, radio, motion picture, and other inventions, includ- ing the maintenance and support of Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated . Effectotmonopolistic

(d) The effect of monopolistic control upon the reasonableness control, of telephone rates and charges, upon the methods of competition with independent telephone companies, and upon the character of services rendered, and the alleged unfair or discriminatory practices with respect to such companies, and with respect to radio broadcast- ing or public speaker " hook-ups ." Mer gers, etc • (e) The effect of mergers, consolidations, and acquisitions of con- trol by telephone companies, including the determination of whether ther e has been any " write-up " in the purchase price of proper ty, equi pment or intang ibles, the fair ness of the te rms and conditi ons of any merger, consolidation, or acquisition, and the public inter- est therein, and the effect thereof upon rates or service . Methods of account- ing • (f) The accounting methods of the companies, particularly with refe rence to deprec iation accounti ng, apportionm ent of investme nt, reve nues and expens es between Stat e and intersta te operations, em- ployee pension funds, and valuation of properties for both rate and tax purposes . Methods of competi- tion, etc

(g) The methods of competition with other companies or in- , dust ries, including the determinat ion of whether or not there h as been any sale or refusal to buy from or sell to competing com- panies, or suppression of patents, and the expansion of the com- etc a erv services, telephoto, panies into fields other than telephone communication, including teletype service, telephoto service, telegraph service, broadcasting, motion and sound picture production and distribution, and the manu facture of elec trical equipmen t, so far as s uch expansion m ay relate to or affect communications . Propaganda to influ- (h) Whether or not the companies have sought through propa- enee pu blic o pinion . ganda or the expenditure of money or the control of channels of publicity to influence or control public opinion, legislative or ad minist rative action , or e lectio ns . " Company" defined. SEC . 3 . As used in the resolution the term " company " shall include all subsidiary, affiliated, associated, and holding companies or corporations and all companies directly or indirectly associated or connected with telephone companies, either by direct or indirect stock ownership, interlocking directorates, voting trusts, holding or investment companies, or any other direct or indirect means . Consolidation of in-

SEC. 4. The in uir into certain practices of telephone carriers vestigations . subject to the Communications Act of 1934, recentlinstituted by Vol . 48, p .1080 . the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to its Telephone Division Order Numbered 11 and Statement of November 14, 1934, may be consolid ated with the i nvestigation re quired by this joint resolution in t he manner and t o the extent de emed desirable by the Commission . Hearings authorized . SEC . 5 . For the purposes of this resolution the Federal Communi- cations Commission is hereby authorized to hold hearings ; to con- tract for stenographic reporting service ; to utilize its regular personnel, facilities, jurisdiction, and powers insofar as practicable

Expe rt assistants . and to employ for the purposes of this investigation such additional experts, including engineering, accounting, legal, and other assist- ants as may be found necessary, without regard to the provisions of other laws applicable to the employment and compensation of officers