Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/974

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74 TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS. 777, 778. AUGUST 27, 1935 .

929 by extension or other adjustment of the time for any payments of principal or interest or other indebtedness, or otherwise : Provided, Proviso . That it shall be unlawful for any person to charge a fee for the purpos e of pre paring o r assist ing in t he prepa ration o f any pa pers of an applicant for the composition or adjustment of a loan under the provisions of this Act, and any person receiving or agreeing to recei ve a fee for any such pu rpose in violati on of th is provi so shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine not exceeding $1,000 or by imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both . SEC . 2. That the Commission or its successor is further authorized Acquisition and dis. posal of land when fore- to acquire title, either by voluntary conveyance as the result of a clo sure ne cessar y . comp ositio n or a n agr eement with a . debtor or in satisfaction of judgments or degrees 1 of foreclosure of mortgages or at sales under such judgments or decrees, to parcels of land or other property, real or personal, in the name of the United States or in its own name for and on behalf of the United States and also to take possession and occupy and hold and administer and to lease, sell, or otherwise dispose of as in the judgment of the Commission or its successor is consistent with the best interests of the United States anv land or other property, real or personal, so acquired by it ; and in the exercise of these powers may execute deeds or other necessary or appropri ate inst ruments in the n ame of t he Unite d States or in i ts own name for and on behalf of the United States. SEC.3. The Commission or its successor is further authorized, in De ns may be sub- ordinated to those des- any case when in the judgment of the Commission or its successor i gnated . i t is consistent with the best interests of the United States, to sub- ordinate the lien securing any loan heretofore made by the Com- mission to the lien securing any loan or loans hereafter made by the Federal La nd Ban k of Baltimore, or by the La nd Bank Com- missioner on behalf of the Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation . Approved, August 27, 1935 . [CH APTE R 778 .1

J OINT RE SOLU TIO N August 27, 1935 . Authori zing the Federal T rade Comm ission to make an i nvestigat ion with respect [S. J.Res.9.] to agricultural income and the financial and economic condition of agricultural [PuD.Res.,No.ti .] producers generally . Whereas the decline in agricultural income and the unsatisfactory Agricultural income, etc ., investigation . condition of agriculture and of those engaged therein is a matter Preamble. of increasing concern to the Congress, and affects the general welfare of the Nation and its citizens ; and Whereas in recent years the agricultural income has decreased while the earnings and profits of concerns processing or dealing in certain lines of farm products have increased or declined only moderately ; and Whereas there has developed an increasingly large proportionate spread between the prices received by the farmer for his products and the prices paid therefor by the consumer ; and Wherea s, accor ding to the late st stati stics of income publishe d by the Bureau of Internal Revenue, twenty-two large corporations reported making over 45 per centum of the gross sales of all corporations engaged in the processing and manufacture of food p rod ucts in 1931, and one hu ndred and t wo lar ge cor porati ons reported making 60 per centum of the gross sales of such corpora- tions ; and 1So in original . 10-1010•-35