Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1079

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MULTILATERAL-'VHALING REGULATION. SEPT. 24, 1931. ESPAGNE FINLANDE FRANCE GRtCE ITALIE MEXIQUE NORvtGE PAYS-BAS POLOGNE ROUMANIE SUISSE SPAIN A. LERROUX FINLAND Evald GYLLENBOGEL. FRANCE Louis ROLLIN GREECE R. RAPHAEL ITALY Augusto Rosso MEXICO S. :Martinez DE ALVA NORWAY Birger BRAADLAND. THE NETHERLANDS Pour Ie Royaume en Europe et les Indes neerlandaises. 1 BEELAERTS VAN BLOKLAND POLAND Auguste ZALESKI ROUMANIA C. ANTONIADE SWITZERLAND MOTTA. TCHl!:COSLOVAQUIE CZECHOSLOVAKIA Zd. FIERLINGER TURQUIE TURKEY Cemal HusN1t YOUGOSLAVIE YUGOSLAVIA Dr V. MARINKOVITCH 3095 AND WHEREAS the said convention has been duly ratified by the ti~~POSit of ratifica- Government of the United States of America and its instrument of ratification was deposited with the Secretary General of the League of Nations on July 7, 1932; AND WHEREAS the number of ratifications or accessions required ch~n~!j~c!ltlons ex· under Article 17 of the said convention for the entry into force thereof, Afltt, p. :lOll!. including, as is required, the ratifications of the Kingdom of Norway and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, were received by the Secretary General of the League of Nations, the latest, the ratification of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, on October 18, 1934, and the fact of the deposit of such ratifications with him was notified to the I Translation: For the Kingdom in Europe alld the Netherlands Indies. [Foot- note in the certified copy.]