Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1133

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DOUBLI<~ TAXATION. FRANCE. APRIL 27,1932. 3149 ARTICJ~E IX The following classes of income paid in one of the contracting States to a corporation of the other State, or to a citizen of the latter State residing there, are exempt from tax in the fonner State: (a) amounts paid as con- sideration for the right to use patents, secret processes and fonnulas, trade marks and other analogous rights j (b) income received as copyright royalties; (c) private pensions and life annuities. ARTICLE X This Agreement shall be rati- fied and the instruments of rati- fication exchanged at Paris as soon as possible. The Agreement shall become effective on the first day of J anu- a~followingtheexchangeofrati­ fications and shall remain effective for a period of five years, and thereafter until twelve months from the date on which either Contracting Party gives notice of its tennination. American corporations which prior to ~Iay 1, 1930, have not had their liability to tax under Article 3 of the Decree of Decem- ber 6, 1872, finally detennined, and which make the declaration prescribed in Article VI of the present convention, shall not be subject to the application of Arti- cle 3 of the Decree of December 6, 1872, for any years preceding the coming into force of the Agree- ment. In witness whereof, the respec- tive Plenipotentiaries have signed the above articles, both in the Enclish and French languages, ana have hereunto affixed their seals. Done in duplicate at Paris, on the 27th of April, 1932. ARTICLE IX Les revenus des categories ci- m~d~'~:~~ apres payes dans l'un des Etats other State. contractants a une soci~te de l'autre Etat ou a un citoyen de ce dernier Etat y.- residant sont exempts d'impot dans Ie premier Etat. a) Redevances versoos en contre-partie du droit d'uti- liser des brevets, proc~des et fonnules secrets, marques de fabrique et autres droits ana- logues· b) Revenus per9us comme droits d'auteurj c) Pensions privees et rentes viageres. ARTICLE X Le t>resent accord sera ratifie Ratification. et les mstruments de ratification echanges a Paris dans Ie plus bref deIai. L'accord entrera en ~eur Ie E1!ectivedate. Ier janvier de l'annoo qUI suiwa celIe de 10. ratification et restera en vigueur pour une periode de cinq ans, et ensuite, jusqu'a I'expira- Duration. tion des douze mois a partir de 10. date ou l'une des Parties contrac- tantes aura notifi~ son intention d':y mettre fin. Les societes amhicaines qui . Provisional exemp- n'ont pas ete d~finitivement 8SSU- tlOn. jetties al'impot edicte par l'article 3 du decret du 6 decembre 1872 avant Ie Ier mai 1930, et qui ont fait 10. declaration prevue al'arti- Antt, p. 3147. cle VI de cet accord, ne seront pas soumises a I'application dudit article 3 du decret du 6 decembre 1872 pour la periode anterieure a. I'entree en vigueur de l'accord. En foi de quoi1 les PIenipoten- tiaires ont signe 10. presente Con- vention et y ont appose leur sceau. Fait a Paris, en double exem- plaire, en anglais et en fran9ais Ie 27 avrll1932. Siguatures. [SEAL] [SEAL] WALTER E. EDGE ANDRE TARDIEU