Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1183

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EXTRADITION CONVENTION-SAN MARINO. OCT. 10, 1934. 8199 ARTICLE I The following crimes are added to the list of crimes numbered 1 to 14 in Article II of the said Con- vention of January 10, 1906, on account of which extradition may be granted, that is to say: 15. Crimes and offenses against the laws for fraudulent bank- ruptcy and those of fraud or breach of guaranty by a banker, agent, factor, trustee, executor, administrator, guardian, director or officer of any company or cor- poration or by any person having a legal fiduciary position. ARTICLE II 81 i The present Convention shall be considered as an integral part of said Extradition Convention of January 10, 1906, and Article II of the last-mentioned Convention shall be read as if the list of crimes therein contained had orig- inally comprised the additional crimes specified and numbered 15 in the first Article of the present Convention. The present Convention shall be ratified by the High Contracting Parties in accordance with their respective constitutional methods, and shall take effect on the date of the exchange of ratifications which shall take place at Wash- ington as soon as possible. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above - named Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Conven- tion in the English and Italian languages and have hereunto affixed their seals. DONE, in duplicate, a,t Wash- ington this 10th day of October, 1934. ARTICOLO I I seguenti reati sono aggiunti Addit.lon to extradi· II1·d . . I . d I table cnmes. a a lsta el reatl, e encatl a Vol. 35, p. 1973. N° 1 al N° 14 del Articolo II della detta convenzione del 10 Gcnnaio 1906, per causa dei quali l'estra- dizione puo essere accordata e cioe: 15. Crimini od offese contro Ie Crimes against bank- 1· b f d 1 ruptcy, etc., laws. egg! per ancarotta rau 0 enta e queUe per frode 0 infrazioni di garanzia da parte di banchiere, agente, fattore, fiduciario, esecu- tore, amministratore, tutore, di- rettore 0 funzionario di qualsiasi compagnia 0 corporazione 0 da parte di q ualsiasi persona che abbia una posizione di fiducia legale. ARTICOLO II La presente convenziono sara Consid~red part of considerata come parte integrante Conwntlon. di detta convenZlOne di estradi- zione del 10 Gennaio 1906 e l'articolo II della sumenzionata convenzione sara letto come se la lista dei reati contenuti nello stesso abbia originariamente com- preso i crimini aO'giunti, specifi- cati e numerati af N° 15 del pri- mo articolo della presente con- venZlOne. La presente convenzione verra . Exchange of ratiflca- ratificata dalle Alte Parti Con- tlOns. traenti in conformita delle loro rispettive leggi costituzionali ed avra effetto dalla data deBo Effective date. scamhio delle ratifiche, che av- ranno luogo a Washington, non appena sara possibile. IN TESTIMONIANZA DI CHE, i Sil!natures. sopra menzionati Plenipotenziarii hanno firmato la presente conven- zione nelle lingue inglese ed italiana e vi hanno apposto i loro sigilli. FATTO, in dupHcato, a Wash- ington addi 10 Ottobre, 1934. [SEAL] CORDELL HULL J ROBERT HEWITT [SEAL] ALFONSO FACCHETTI GUIGLIA [SEAL] AND WHEREAS the said Supplementary Convention hus been duly Hatifications ex- . d h . . changed. ratifie on both parts, and t e ratificatIOns of the two Governments were exchanged in the city of \Vashington on the twenty-eighth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five;