Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1225

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NATURALIZATION TREATY-ALBANIA. APRIL 5, 1932. 3241 Naturalization Treaty betu.'een tlte United States oj America and __~£!"i15. 19~2_. _ Albania. Signed at Tirana, April 5, 1932; ratification adtYised by tfte Senate, February 6, 1[135; ratified by the President, :A/arch 13, 1935; ratified by Albania, April 12, 1935; ratifications exchanged at Tirana, July 22, 1935; proclaimed, July 29, 1935. By THE PR};SIDENT OF THE lJNlTED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATIOS ,VHEREAS a Treaty of Naturalization between the United States T':;a~~ U'~i~\~ i~;S~ai~;: of America and the Kingdom of Albania was concluded and signed l'r(,~!Ilbl{'. by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Tirana on the fifth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-two~ the original of which Treaty, being in the English and Albanian languages, is word for word as follows: T REA T Y OF NATURALIZATION BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND ALBANIA The Government of the United States of America and the Gov- ernment of the Kingdom of Al- bania, being desirous of reaching an agreement concerning the status of naturalized citizens or subjects of either country who were formerly nationals of the other, and the liability for mili- tary service and other acts of al- legiance of such persons and of persons born in the territory of either state of parents having the nationality of the other, have re- solved to conclude a treaty on these subjects, and for that pur- pose have appointed their pleni- potentiaries, that is to say: The President of the United States of America: Herman Bernstein, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Albania, and His Majesty, the King of the Albanians: His Excellency, Pan- deli J. Evangheli, Prime Minis- ter and Minister for Foreign Af- fairs ad interim; TRAKTAT NATURALIZIMI l\uDls SHTETEVE TE BASHKUAR EDHE SHQIPERISE Qeveria e Sht-eteve te Bash- kuar t' Amerikes dhe Qeveria Mbretnore Shqi.ptare, dyke patur deshire ill arriJne ne nje mar- reveshje qe i perket pozites se qytetasve ose te shtetasve te na- turalizuar te njerit use tjatrit Shtet te cilet me pare ishin shte- tas te tjatrit, dhe pergjigjesise per sherbim ushterak edhe per te tjera veperime besnikerije nga ana e ketyre persOnave, ose e J?er- sonave te lindur ne token e nJerit ose tjatrit Shtet prej prindcrsh qe kane shtetesin' e tjatrit, kane vendosur te lidhin nje traktat mbi keto pika, edh6 J?er ate qellim kane emeruar fuqlplotCt e tyre, domethline : Presidenti i Shteteve te Bash- kuar t'Amerjkcs: Z. Herman Bernstein, i Derguar i J ashteza- konshem dhe Minister Fuqiplote i Shtkteve te Bashkuar t'Ameri- kes ne Shqiperi, edhe Nalt Madhenia e Tij, Mbreti i ShqipMreve: Shkelqesen e Tij, Z. Pandeli J. Evangh£'Ji, Kryemi- nister dhe Minister i Puneve te J ashtme ad interim; Contracting Powers. Plenipotentiari{'~.