Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1322

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3338 PARCEL POST CONVENTION-FRANCE. DECEMBER 7,30, 1935. conjointement par deux agents. Sauf Ie cas d'erreur evidente, eUes prevaudront sur la declaration originale. Office of destination Le bureau de destination eta- also to prepare. ('t(' . . bl' bull.d rill bulletin of verifiootion. It, en outre, un etm eve - cation et l'envoie sans delai au bureau d'echange expcditeur, sous pJi recommande. 3. Les differences peu impor- tantes, relatives au volume, aux dimensions et au poids des rolis, ainsi que les irregularites qui, d'une fa~on evidente, n'engagent pas la responsabilite des Adminis- trations respectives, Bont si~alees par un bulletin de verificatIOn. 4. Le bureau d'echange expedi- teur renvoie Ie bulletin de verifi- cation apres l'avoir examine et Y. avoir porte ses observations, s'il y a lieu. Ce bulletin est alors Joint aux feuilles de route des colis qu'll concerne. Les rectifications apportees a une feuille de route et qUl ne sont pas appuyees d'une piece justificative sont considerees comme depourvues de valeur. 5. La constatation de man- quants, d'alterations ou d'irre- gularites de nature Aengager la re- sponsabilite des Administrations respectives donne lieu A l'etablis- sement d'un bulletin de verifica- tion qui est envoye sous pli recom- mande au bureau d'echange expe- diteur. . S'il s'agit d'un colis assure, il est egalement etabli un proces- verbal de constat qui est envoye, sous pli recommande d'office, A I'Administration Centrale du pays auquel appartient Ie bureau d'e- change expediteur l accompagne, si c'est possible, ae la ticelle et des plombs ayant servi A la {ermeture du recipient dans lequel etaient contenus les colis. Un duplicata de ce proces-verbal est adresse en m~me temps A I'Ad- ministration Centrale A laquelle appn.rtient Ie bureau d'echange destinataire, ou a. tout autre bureau designe par cette derni~re. 6. Si c'est nooessaire, Ie bureau d'oohange expediteur peut egale- ment ~tre avise par teIegramme, aux frais de I'office qui envoie ce teIegramme. ly by two agents. Excer.t in case of obvious error, they will prevail over the original declaration. The office of destination also makes up a bulletin of verifica- tion and sends it without delay to the dispatching exrhange office under regIstered cover. 3. Differences of slight impor- tance, relat.ive to the volume, di- mensions, and weight of the par- cels, as well as irregularities which evidently do not involve the re- sponsibility of the respective Ad- ministrations are pointed out by a bulletin of verification. 4. The disJ>atching exchange office returns the bulletin of veri- fication after having examined it and entered thereon its observa- tions, if any. That bulletin is then attached to the parcel bills of the parcels to which it relates. Corrections made on a parcel bill which are not justified by a sup- porting paper are considered as devoid of value. 5. The discovery of shortages, alterations, or irregularities of such a nature as to involve the responsibility of the respective AdministratiOns gives rise to the preparation of a bulletin of verifi- cation which is sent under regis- tered cover to the dispatching ex- change office. If it is a question of an insured parcel, a report oflroceedings is also yrepared an sent under officia registration to the Central Administration of the country to which the dispatching exchange office belongs, accompanied if possible by the string and the lead seals which have served to fasten the receptacle in which the par- cels were contained. A duplicate of tha.t report is addressed at the same time to the Central Adminis- tration to which the exchange office of destination belongs, or to some other office designated by the latter. 6. If necessary, the dispatching exchange office may also be ad- vised by telegram, at the expense of the Office sending such tele- gram.