Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1327

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PARCEL POST CONVENTION-FRANCE. DECEMBER 7, 30, 1935. 3343 b) presente 8. un deuxieme des- tinataire, dans Ie pays de destina- tion; c) r~~voye immediatement A son ongme. 3. Les colis qui n'ont pu ~tre distribues sont renvoves A l'ori- gine, sauf demande contraire de l'expediteur, A l'expiration d'une periode de 30 jours, a partir de leur date d'arrivee au bureau de destination. Tout colis renvoye A l'expedi- teur, ainsi que Ie bulletin d'expe- dition y afferent, doit porter l'indication tres claire du motif de la non-remise. 4. Les colis susceptibles de se deteriorer, et ceux-IA seulement, peuvent etre vendus immediate- men t, m~me en cours de trans- port, 8. l'aller ou au retour, !'Ians preavis et sans formalites judi- ciaires. Le produit net de la vente sera remis A l'ayant droit aprcs deduction des taxes dont les colis pourront etre passibles. Si, pour une raison quelcongue, la vente du colis est Impossible, les objets deteriores 011 sans valeur seront detruits. II sera etabli un proces-verbal de 10. vente ou de 10. destruction. La copie de ce proccs-verbal est transmise al'Ad- ministration d'origine. 5. Les colis non distribuables, abandonnes par l'expediteur, ne sont pas renvoyes A l'origine par l'office de destmation, lequel les traite d'apres sa legislation. Dans Ie cas de colis assures que I'expediteur declare vouloir aban- donner et qui ne peuvent ~tre distribues, il sera PrIS bonne note du sort du colis, et l'Administra- tion d'origine en sera informee. ARTICLE 29. DROITS DE DOUANE l. ANNULER. Les droits de dounne propre- ment dits-applicables aux colis detruits, renvoyes au pays d'ori- gine ou reexpedies sur un autre pays-seront annules, en .France et aux Etats-Unis d'Amerique, b) presented to 0. second ad- dressee in the country of destina- tion; c) immediately returned to origin. 3UdIi bl I rndeliverable par- . n e vera e parce s are re- cel~, return to place of turned to origin, in the absence of origin. 0. request to the contrary by the sender, at the expiration of 0. period of 30 days, counting from their date of arrival at the office of destination. Every parcel returned to the sender, as well as the dispatch note belonging thereto, must bear a very clear indication of the reason for the non-delivery. 4. Parcels liable to d eteriora- . I'arcels liahle to dete- • rwratlOlI. tlOn, and these only, may be sold immediately, even en route, on the outward or return journey, without previous notice and with- out judicial fonnalities. The net proceeds of the sale will be turned over to the rightful party after deducting the charges to which the parcel may be liable. If, for any reason, the sale of the parcel is impossible, the de- teriorated or worthless article will be destroyed. A report will be made up of the sale or destruction. A copy of that report is trans- mitted to the Administration of origin. 5. Undeliverable parcels which are abandoned by the sender are not returned to origin by the Office of destination, which treats them in accordance with its legis- lation. In the case of insured PtLrcels which the sender declares his de- sire to abandon and which can not be delivered, careful note will be taken of the disposal made of the parcel, and the Administra- tion of origin will be advised thereof. ARTICLE 29. Abandoned parools. CUSTOMS DUTIES TO BE CANCELED. ('tL~toms duties to be canceled. The customs duties, properly Parcels destroyed. SO called, applicable to parcels which are destroyed, returned to the country of origin, or for- warded to another country, will be canceled, in France and in the