Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1474

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3486 PROCLAMATIONS, 1935. 4. That, by virtue of the presence of such vessels within the area described in paragruph 1, the unlawful introduction or removal into or from the United States of merchandise or persons is being or may be occasioned, promoted, or threatened. 5. That all the waters within the area described in paragraph 1 are in such proximity to such vessnls that such unlawful introduction or removal of merchandise or persons may be carried on by or to or from SUdl vessels. bePr~ or law to And I do her<lby proclaim that under the terms of the said Anti- en, Smuggling Ad, the urea deseribed in paragt'aph 1 constitutes a cus- toms-cnforcemcnt area, to he designllt('d tlS Customs Enforcement Area No.4, and the provisions of lnw appl,ring to the high Rens adjacent to customs waters of Ow Lnitcd Sttltes l'hall be (>nforced in such area upon any v('ssel, mcrchnndis(', or person found therein. WIIIllml'tte Natlon'll Forest. Orpg. I'reslII hie, Aftk, I', 338. Area enlurge<f, DeIIoription. IN 'VITNESS "~1l1~H.EOIi' I huve !lCrc>lmto f:,et my hund and caused the seal of the United Stat(,8 to be uffixed. DONE at the city of 'Vnshington this 7" day of December, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred nnd thirty-five, nnd of [S};AL] the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and sixtieth. By the President: COlWELL II ULL Secretary oj State. [~o. 2150] Wu,Lun;TTE ~ ATiOXAL FOIIE:----OUEGOX BY TilE I'JlE8IUEXT OF 'I'll}; t:~I'I'Jo:D :-;TATES OJ- ' A'IEltICA A PROCLA~fATION WHEREAS it appPflrS that the h('}"('innft(,N)es('rih('ci pllhlie lancls in the State of Oregon, within thf' nrett described in the aet of .June 13, 1935, 'entitled "AN ACT To uuthorizc an ('xt('n~i()n of ('x('hf~ng(l authority and addition of public Illnds to the \'lillamette N atiotlnl Fl)rest in the State of Oregon" (Publir, No, l:~O, 74th Cong,), nrc chiefly valuable for national-for(,st purpo!;('s; and WHEREAS the Secretory of Agrieulture hilS rE'C'ommendt'd thnt such lands be add"d to the \Villamette N n.tional "Forest; and WHEREAS it appears that the addition of slH'h lands to thn said forest would be in the puhlic intt'rest: NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRA~KLIN D, ROOSJi~Vf~LT, Pr(,8i- dent of the United Statt's of Amm'je8, under nnd hy virtue of the authority v('sted in me hy the nrore~aid aet of .Jun(~ 1~, 1!l35, do proclaim that the following-d(>srribed public lands in the State of Oregon are hereby added to and made a pad of the Willamette National Forest: WILLAMETTE M};UIDIA:-/" T. 15 S., R. 3 E., sec. 32, N'VXK\V}~; sec. 34, SE}.SE~~; sec. 35, NE}~S\V}~; T.16S., n..3E., sec.1,lots1,2,3,6,7,8,9; sec. 2, lot 2, N'VXSEX; sec. 10, NWXSEX, S}fS~2; sec. 11, NEXSEX, S~S}f;