Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1528

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3534 GENERAL CLAIMS-MEXICO. APRIL 24, 1934. Claims convention to fol1ow. Forms to be tr.ken. their conferences, indicating those cases in which agreement has been reached by them "ith re- spect to the merits and the amount of liability, if any, in the individual cases and also those cases in which they. shall have been unable to agree with respect to the merits or the amount of liability, or both. Fifth.- The two Governments shall, upon the basis of such joint report, and with the least possible delay, conclude a convention for the final disposition of the claims, which convention shall take one or the other of the two following forms, namely, first, an agree- ment for an en bloc settlement of the claims wherein there shall be stipulated the net amount to be paId by either Government and the terms upon which payment shall be made; or, second, an agreement for the disposition of the claims upon their individual merits. In this latter event, the two above-mentioned Commis- sioners shall be required to record their agreements with respect to individual claims and the bases upon which their conclusions shall have been reached in the respec- tive cases. Re~rt to be final The report shall be accepted dispOSItions of cases. • , by the conventIon to be concluded by the two Governments, as final and conclusive dispositions of Cases ill disal!'ree- those cases. With respect to mente those cases in which the Commis- sioners shall not have been able to reach agreements, the two Governments shall, by the said convention, agree that the plead- ings and briefs in such cases, to- gether with the written views of the two Commissioners concern- . Hef'"enoo to. ~;m. ing the merits of the respective put'; ellect of (]eClbJons. I' b ~ d t U· calms, e relerre 0 an mprre, whose written decisions shall also be accefted by both Governments as fina and binding. All mat- ters relating to the designation of an Umpire, time within which his decisions shou1d be rendered and general provisions relating confereneias, en el que indicaran los casos en que hayan llegado a un aeuerdo en cuanto a los fund a- mentos y al monto de la respon- sabilidad, si alguna resultare, en eada easo, indieando asimismo los casos en que no hayan podido ponerse de aeuerdo, ya sea res- pecto a los fundamentos 0 al monto de Ia responsabilidad, 0 a ambas cosas. Quinto. -Los dos Gobiernos, sobre Ia base del referido dicta- men conjunto, y con el menor re- tardo posible, celebraran una Convenci6n para Ia resoluci6n de- finitiva de las reclamaciones, de- biendo en dicha Convenci6.n adoptarse una u otra de las dos formas, a saber: pri- mero, Ia de un convenio para Ull arregl0 global de las reclama- ciones, en el que se estipulara. la cantidad liqwda que habra. de pagar alguno de los dos Gobier- nos y las condiciones en que se habra de efectuar tal pago; 0, segundo, la de un convenio para Ia resoluci6n de las reclama- ciones sobre los fundamentos do cada una. En este ultimo caso, se exigira. a los dos Comisionados arriba mencionados, que hagan constar los aeuerdos celebrados por ellos con respeeto a cada una de las reclamaciones y los fundamentos en que se basen sus condusiones, en el easo respectivo. EI dictamen que rindan sera. aceptado, por medio de Ia Con- venci6n que celebren los dos Go- biernos, como la resoluci6n defi- nitiva y final de dichos casos. Con respecto a los casos en que los Comisionados no hayan podi- do ponerse de acuCi'do, los dos Gobiernos, en e8a misma Conven- ci6n, estipularan que los cscritos y alegatos presentados en eUos, juntamente con las opiniones es- eritas de los dos Comisionados sobre los fundamentos de las re- c1amaciones respectivas, se some- teran a un Arhitro cuyos fallos escritos seran aceptados tambien por ambos Gobiernos como defi- nitivos y obligatorios. Todo 10 que se refiere a designaci6n de Arbitro, perfodo de tiempo de que di8pondra para fallar y mo-