Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1616

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3622 RECIPROCAL TRADE-CUBA. Schedule I.-Contin- ---~------ oed. Tarur Item Description ot Articles IColumn I I Column 2 1 ___ 1___ 244 Butter and similar articles, and oleo oil: 244-C 249 251-A 253 253-A 253-B 255 25&-A 255-B 255-C 25&-D 256 256-A 256-C 256-D 256-E 256-F Olein (oleo oil), that is, the oily part of animal fat, except hog fat, with a lusion point not exceeding 41 0 Centigrade, of an agreeable odor, containing Jess than 1 % of impurities, and provided it does not contain more than 2 % of free fatty acids, T _________________________________ 100 Kgs __ Mackerel, in brine, smoked, salted or pickled, T _________________________________ 100 Kgs __ I Oysters of all kinds and dried or fresh shellfish, I G.W ______________________________I00 KgS__ 1 I~~:~lled,G.W- - -------------------- _100Kgs__1 I Hulled, suitable for consumption, and semi-hulled, OtTarmstroBot (talk) 18:31, 19 November 2014 (UTC);TarmstroBot (talk):--- - - --- -- -- --------- __ _ _ 100 Kgs--i Corn, G.W ___________________________ 100 Kgs __ 1 Rye, G.W ____________________________100 Kgs__ - Barley, G. W ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ 100 Kgs __ 1 Oats, O. W ________ ________ _________ __ 100 KgB __ Flour, meal and semolina: ! Wheatflour, G.W_____________________I00 Kgs__ NOTEI: Wheat flour milled in the l"nited States I and made entirely of wheat grown in the United States shall enjoy a minimum preference of 40 percent. NOTE II: Within a period of not more than two years from the date on which this Agreement be- comes effective the consumption tax on imported I wheat flour of ~ cent per pound established by the Law of July 29, 1932 will be abolished . . NOTE III: To determine whether products pre- sented for clearance under sub-Items A and F should be considered as wheat flour or wheat semo- lina, a sample shall be tested with a No. 80 sieve, that is, one composed of silk fabrics with 80 holes to the square inch, or square of twenty-seven (27) I millimeters. If the product passes through this I sieve, it will be dutiable as flour, and if 1I0t, as I semolina. I Of corn, G.W_________________________100 Kgs__ 1 Of oats, O.W_________________________lOO Kgs__ 1 I Of othercerea!s, G.W ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ I00 K~s __ - Wheat semolina, 0.W_________________I00 Kgs__ NOTE: To determine whether products presented for clearance under sub-Items A and F should be considered as wheat flour or wheat semolina, a sample shall be tested with a No. 80 sieve, that is, one composed of silk fabric with 80 holes to the square inch, or square of twenty-seven (27) milli- meters. If the product passes through this sieve, it will be dutiabJe as flour, and if not, as semolina. 20% 35% 20% 50% I 50% i 30% 20% 20% 40% 30% 30% 20% 20% 30% 16.00 1. 69 4. 00 1.60 1. 85 2.73 o. 80 o. 80 o. 78 0.91 3. 64 1. 30 1. 60 2. 10