Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1751

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RECIPROCAL TRADE-SWEDEN. MAY 25, 1935. 3757 formalities and charges imposed in connection with the clearing of goods through the customs, and with respect to all laws or regula- tions affecting the sale or use of imported goods within the coun- try. Accordingly, natural or manu- fa.ctured products having their origin in either of the countries shall in no case be subject, in re- gard to the matters referred to above, to any duties, taxes or charges other or higher, or to any rules or formalities other or more burdensome, than those to which t.he like products having their origin in any third country are or may hereafter be subject. Similarly, natural or manufac- tured products exported from the territory of the United States of America or Sweden and consigned to the territory of the other coun- try shall in no case be subject with respect to exportation and in re- gard to the above-mentioned mat- ters, to any duties, taxes or charges other or higher, or to any rules or formalities other or more burdensome, than those to which the like products when consigned to the territory of any third country are or may hereafter be subject. Any advantage, favor, priv- ilege or immunity which has been or may hereafter be granted by t.he United States of America or Sweden in regard to the above- mentioned matters, to a natural or manufactured product origi- nating in any third country or consigned to the territory of any third country shall be ac- corded immediately and without compensation to the like product originating in or consigned to the territory of Sweden or the United States of America, re- spectively, and irrespective of the nationality of the carrier. ARTICLE II Neither the United States of America nor Sweden shall estab- lish any prohibition or main- och paIagor, som rnA vara fores- krivna med avseende pA forfar- andet vid tullbehandlingen samt betraffande alIa lagar och forord- ningar rorande forsaljningen eller anvandandet av importerade varor inom landet. Foljaktligen skola natur- elIer industrialster, harrorande frA.n ett- dera landet, i ovannamnda han- seenden icke i nAgot fall vara underkastade andra eller hogre tullar, avgifter eller paIagor ener andra eller mera betungande reg- ler eller formaliteter an de, vilka likartade varor, harrorande frAn vilket som heIst tredje land, aro ener framdeles rnA bliva under- kastade. Likaledes skola natur- ener in- dustrialster, som utforas frAn Amerikas Forenta Staters eller Sveriges omrMe med destination till det andra landets, i ovannamnda hanseenden med avseende A utforseln icke i nagot fall vara underkastade andra ener hogre tullar, avgifter eller pAlagor ener andra elIer mera betungande regler ener formaliteter an de, vilka likartade varor destinerade till vilket som heIst tredje land aro elIer framdeles mA bliva underkastade. Varje foretradesratt, formAn, privilegium elIer befrielse, som Amerikas Forenta Stater elIer Sverige i ovannamnda hanseen- den medgivit elIer framdeles rnA komma att tillerkanna natur- elIer industrialster harrorande fran eHer destinerade till nagot tredje land, skall omedelbart och utan vederlag samt oberoende av trans- portfarty~ets nationalitet tiller- kannas likartade varor, harrO- rande frAn elIer destinerade till Sveriges respektive Amerikas Forenta Staters omrMe. ARTIKEL II Varken Amerikas Forenta No excess charges, Stater eller Sverige rna infora etc. nagot forbud eller uppratthAlla