Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1813

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RECIPROCAL TRADE-BRAZIL. 3819 a view to insuring that there will be as little injury to the commerce of the latter country as may be consistent with the purpose of the proposed measure. The provi- sions of this paragraph do not apply to actions affecting individ- ual shipments under sanitary measures already in effect or to actions based on pure food and drug laws. ARTICLE XI The advantages now accorded or which may hereafter be ac- corded by the United States of America or the United States of Brazil to other adjacent countries in order to facilitate frontier traffic, and advantages resulting from a customs union to which either country may become a party shall be excepted from the operation of this Agreement; and this Agreement shall not, subject to the provisions of Article X, apply to police or sanitary regu- lations or to the commerce of the United States of America with the Republic of Cuba, or to com- merce between the United States of America and the Panama Canal Zone, the Philippine Islands, or any territory or possession of the United States of America, or to the commerce of the territories and possessions of the United States of America with one an- other. Except as otherwise provided in the third paragraph of this Article, the provisions of this Agreement relating to the treat- ment to be accorded by the United States of America and the United States of Brazil, respec- tively, to the commerce of the other country shall not apply to the Philippine Islands, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, the Island of Guam, or to the Panama Canal Zone. Subject to the reservations set forth in the first paragraph of this Article the provisions of Article I, and the provisions for most-favored-nation treatment in outro paiz para que, tanto quanto for compativel com 0 oblectivo da medida projectada, se reduza ao minimo possivel 0 prejuizo que da sua adop~ao possa advir ao commercio do outro paiz. As disposi~Oes deste paragrapho nao se applicarao a ac~Oes relativas aos embarques que incidam em medidas sanitarias em vigor, ou a ac~Oes que se baseiem na legis- la~iio sobre productos alimenti- cios e pharmaceuticos. ARTIGO XI As vantagens ora concedidas ou que vierem a ser concedidas pelos Estados Unidos do Brasil ou pelos Estados Unidos da America aos paizes limitrophes com 0 fim de se facilitar 0 trafego de fronteiras, assim como os favores resultantes de uma uniiio aduaneira, da qual um ou outro paiz venha a fazer parte, ficam exceptuadas da applic~ao deste tratado, que tambem nao se applicara aos regulamentos poli- ciaes ou sanitarioB (salvo 0 dis- posto no artigo X), ao commercio dOB EstadoB U nidos da America com a Republica de Cuba, ao commercio entre os Estados Uni- dos da America e a zona do Canal do Panama, ilhas Philippinas ou qualquer territorio ou possessao dOB EstadoB UnidoB da America, nem ao commercio dos territorios ou possessOes dOB Estados Unidos da America entre si. Xeighboring states. Exceptions. Ante, p. 3818. Com excep~ao do previ~to no Plr:!~l~f~p::t~p'tfe paragrapho no. 3 deste artlgo, as Islands, etc. disposi~Oes deste tratado rela- tivas ao tratamento a ser con- cedido pelos Estados Unidos do Brasil e pelos Estados Unidos da America, respectivamente, ao com- mercio do outro paiz, nao se applicarao as ilhas Philippinas, as ilhas Virgens, a Sam6a ameri- cana, ailha de Guam, nem a zona do Canal do Panama. As disposi90es do artigo I e as Preferential treat· I. d - ment extended to ter· re atlvas ao tratamento a na~ao ritoriEill. etc. , of each. mais favorecida, contidas nos artigos II e VI, applicar-se-ao, Anl~, p. 3810 . sob as reservas constanteB do