Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1828

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3834 HECIPROCAL TRADE-BRAZIL. l'upplementary l:l"T th'd A titdby t e agreement hy ex. nHEREAS· e sal greemen was supp emen e noes x- l·hangeurnotes. changed at Rio de Janeiro on April 17, 1935, between the respective Brazilian taritI on rosin, etc. plenipotentiaries of the President of the United States of America and the President of the United States of Brazil, so as to confirm the formal obligations which the Government of the United States of Brazil assumed at the time of the negotiation of the said Agreement with respect to the rates of duty in the Bra.zilian tariff which shall be applicable to rosin, which notes, made an integral part of the said Agreement, are word for word us follows: 1 ~IIXISTERIO DAS HELA~6ES EXTERIORES, 1\10 DE J AXEIRO. Em 1'1 de ..·1bril de 1935. SENHOR ENCARREGADO DE N EGOCIOS: Tenho a honra de informar a Vossa Senhoria que, em additamento as reducc;oes adua.neiras estipuladas na Tabella I, ;::.nnexa ao tratado de commercio assignado, em ·Washington, entre os Estados Unidos da America e os Estados Unidos do Brasil, a 2 de Febereiro ultimo, 0 Governo Brasileiro, attendo ao compromisso formal que havia assumido por occasiao das negociac;oes do referido tratado, resolveu taxar nas suas alfandegas 0 producto denominado coloph6nia do mesmo modo que 0 e, na nova tarifa aduL.neira, 0 breu ou resina de pinho negra e de qualquer outra qualidade, permanecendo uni- camente a resina denominada "de bourgogne" com os direitos que a mesma tarifa cobra, tanto para a "de bourgogne" eomo para a coloph6nia. 2. Para clareza do assumpto, lembro a Vossa Senhoria que se trata do artigo 282 da nova tarifa Brasileira, descriminado nas duas aline as seguintes: De bourgogne e coloph6nia KG.P.L . $530. Negra (breu) e de qualquer outra, ton.P .B. 132$730. 3. De ac6rdo com a alterac;ao que 0 Governo Brasileiro estabeiece por esta troca de notas, essas alilleas fi0arao assim modificadas na nossa lei aduaneira: De bourgogne KG.P.L . $530. Coloph6nia, negra (breu) e de qualquer outra qllalidude, ton.P.D. 13'2$730. I Translation of Brazilian note: ?!INISTRY OF }"OREIGN RELATIO:SS, Un. C:HARG{; D'AFFAIRES: Ria de Janeiru, April 17, 1935. I have the honor to advLqe Your Excellency thRt in addition to the customs red~cticns provided for in sehedule I annexed to the trade agreement Signed at Washington between the United States of America and the United States of Brazil on February 2, last, the Brazilian Oovernmet:t, in accordance with the for· mal cbligRtion which it assumed at the time or the negotiation of the said agreement, has resolved to tax. at its customhouses, the product designRted "('oJophony" in the same way as pitch or black pine r('sin or that of any other quality now is taxed in the new customs tariff, only t\Je resin called "Burgllndy" remain· ing sublect to the same rates T . -h ich are levied by the said tarill bot\] on "Burgundy" resin and on colo phony• 2. For the sako of clarity in the matter, I recall to Your Excellency that it is a question cf articl(l2S20f the new Brazilian tariff, divided into the two rollowing paragraphs: Burlnlndy and colophony .................................................. :':g. - P . L. .. . . . $5.10 Pitch, black or of any other quality................................... ••••• '1 'on-P . B . .•••• 132.~730 3. In accordance with the change which the Brazilian Government establishes by this exchange or notes, those paragraphs will be thus modified in our customs law: Burgundy.......• .. ... .•• .• ..•. ..•. ..•.• ...• .. .••.•• .• .•. .. .. .••.••••••••• Kg.- P. L . .. . . . $.'\30 (;olophony. black pitch, or of any other quality••.•••• .•••.• .•••••••••••••• Ton-P . B •••••. 132$730 4. This modification will enter into rorce under the snm(l ("ondit ions as those established for the pntry into f( ree of the trade agreement referred to above in its art icle X 1V and in the note which c1urifles tile provisions and rates contained in scbedule I or the said al!:rpement, or whkh it \\ ill form an integral part. I 'lvail myself of the opportunity to rcnew to Your Excellency t!:e assur:mces of my llIost distin~uished consideration. '