Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1839

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~nLITARY MISSION-BRAZIL. 3845 Supplementary Agreement between the F7I1.ted Stales (d .Llmerica and __~une20--2:~.__ Bra::it jurther am.ending the Agreement oj jUay 10, 1934, as ame11ded October 29,1935. by the SuppZementar-y .Agreement of July 21 and 23, 1934, respecting a m1'Zifary mis.<don to Brazil. E..tferted by exchange oj notes, signed June 20 and October 29,1935; ejfectice Febr11ary 1, 1936. Thc Secretary of State (Hull) to the Brazilian .lrnbassador (Aranha) EXCELLENCY: DEPAHTl\IENT UF STxn:, lra.'s7tington, .JUlW ;?(), J.').]5. With respect to the desire of the Brazilian Government, made Supplem.entarr Agreement wIth Brazil known to me by vour memorandum of Februar'-" 20 1935 that the re.s~ectingamilitary JJ J " mISSIOn Military Mission Agreement between the Governments of the United . States of America and the United States of Brazil, signed at Wash- Ante, p. 3543 . ington on May 10 1934 be further amended so as to permit of the DetailofU.S .A.nny , , officer to BraZIlian designation of an officer of the Army of the United States of Amer- Ann~:TechnicalSchool permItted. ica to serve as a professor in the Technical School of the Brazilian Army in matters related to chemistry and its application to war- fare, the undersigned the Secretary of State of the United States of America, duly authorized by his Government, begs to state that it will be entirely satisfactory to the Government of the United States of America to enter into such a supplementary agreement by an exchange of notes on the understanding that the said officer shall possess the same rights and privileges as the officers detailed in the orimnal contract of May 10 1934' that the agreement shall be con- To he ronsidercd an c· , , addendum tn rontract. sidered and be deemed to be an addendum to the said contract in Antf, II :l5!. 'i . , accordance with Article 7 thereof, and that it shall be regarded as having the same force and effect as if originally embodied in that contract. The Government of the United States of America will be pleased to consider the above-stated understanding to be effective on the day of the receipt of a note from you stating the acceptance of the understanding by the Government of the United States of Brazil. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest con- sideration. His Excellency OswALDO ARANHA, Amof1.8lJador of Brasil. CORDElL HULL