Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1881

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RECIPROCAL TRADE-COLOMBIA. 3887 ARTICLE X On and after the day on which this Agreement comes into force, articles the growth, produce or manufacture of the United States of America and articles the growth, produce or manufacturt' of the Republic of Colombia pre- viously imported into the other country shall be subject to th(' provisions of tlus Agreement if ('ntry therefor has not been made, or if they have been entered pre- yiously without payment of duty and under bond for warehousing, transportation, or any other pur- pose, and without any permit of delivery to the importer or to his agent having been issued: Pro- vided, That when duties Ilre based upon the weight of mer- chandise deposited in any public or private warehous(', the said duties shall, except as othl'rwise may specially be providt'd in the tariff laws of the Republic of Colombia or the United States of America, respectively, in effect on the day of the signature of this Agreement, be levied and col- lected upon the weight of such mt'rchandise at the time of its entry. ARTICLE XI As long as the present Agree- ment remains in force, it shall supersede any provisions of the Treaty of Peace, Amity, N aviga- tion and Commt'rce between the United States of America and the Republic of New Granada, signed at Bogota, December 12, 1846, which may be inconsistent with tms Agreement. However, upon the expiration of this Agree- ment, the provisions of the afore- said Treaty which have been suspended temporarily shall auto- matically resume operation and shall continue in full force and effect subject to termination as provided in that Treaty. AR'fICULO X Dd1d' q e te con Entries subject to .esee la.en ~~s . - agreement upon com. vemo entre en vlgencIa, InclUSIve, ingintoforce. y en adelante, los articulos 0 productos naturales 0 manufac- turados de los Estados tTnidos de . America y los articulos 0 productos naturales 0 manufacturados de Ia Republica de Colombia, import a- £los con anterioridad al otro pais, quedad.n amparados pOI' las esti- pulaeiones de este cOllvenio, si aUn no se les hu biere dado entrada, o si se Ies hubiere dado entrada con anterioridad para su almaee- naje, transporte 0 cualquier otro fin sin pagar los derechos y bajo fianza, y sin que se hubiere expedido permiso de entrega al fi~~ii:·s ba~ed on importador 0 a su agente; a weight. condici6n de que cualldo los derechos tengan pOI' base el peso de la mercancia depositada en alm!!cen de dep6sito puhlico 0 privado, esos derechos, salvo 10 que en otro sentido dispongan ('8- pecialmente las leyes araneelarias de la Republica de Colombia 0 de' los Estados Unidos de America, respectivamente, "\igentes el dia de Ia firma de este convenio, se tasaran y cobraran sobre el peso de tal mercancia en el mom('nto de darse la entrada. ARTICULO XI Este cOllvenio mientras per- .Inconsistl>nt pro\' i · . ' Slons of elUStmg treaty manezca en VIgor, prevalecera superseded during lite sobre todas las disposiciones del O\~~e~~:n;.n~1. Tratado de Paz, Amistad, N ave- gaci6n y Comercio entre los Estados Unidos de America y la Republica de la Nuev'a Granada, firmado en Bogota, el 12 de diciembre de 1846, que fueren incompatibles con este .' S' b 1· Automatic rnsump- con\' enio. In em argo, a ex- tion upon expiration of pirar este convenio, las estipu- agreement. lacion('s del sobredicho tratado que se hayan suspendido tem- poralmente, volveran automatica- mente a entrar en vigencia y continuaran en pleno vigor y efecto, sujetas a las condiciones de terminaci6n estipuladas en dicho tratndo.