Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1906

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3912 ScbeduleD. United States Tariff Act of 1930 Paragraph RECIPROCAL TRADE-COLOMBIA. SCHEDULE II Description of Article NOTE: The provisions of this Schedule shall be con- strued and given the same effect, and the applica- tion of collateral provisions of the customs laws of the United States to the provisions of this Schedule shall be determined, insofar as may be practicable, as if each provision of this Schedule appeared re- spectively in the paragraph of the Tariff Act of 1930 noted in the column at the left of the respec- tive descriptions of articles. 10 Tolu balsam, natural and uncompounded, al:d not Rate of Duty containing alcohol 5% ad valorem 35 Ipecac, natural and uncompounded, but advanced in value or condition by shredding, grinding, chip- ping, crushing, or any other process or treatment whatever beyond that essential to proper packing and the prevention of decay or deterioration pend- ing manufacture, and not containing alcohol 5% ad valorem 762 1602 1618 1654 1668 Castor beans Root of ipecac, crude, natural and uncompounded, not advanced in value or condition by shredding, grinding, chipping, crushing, or ally other process or treatment whatever beyond that (~ssential to proper packing and the prevention of decay or de- terioration pending manufacture, and 110t contain- ing alcohol Bananas, green or ripe Coffee, except coffee imported into Puerto Rico and upon which a duty is imposed under the nuthoritv of Section 319 . Emeralds, rough or uncut, and not advanced in COIl- dition or value from their natural state by cleavin!l:, splitting, cutting, or other process, whether in their natural form or broken, not sct % cent pound Free Free Frt'e Free 1697 Gutta balata, crude Free 1744 Platinum, unmanufactured or ill ingots, bars, sheets, or plates not less than one-eighth of olle inch ill thickness, sponge, or scrap Free 176.') Reptile skins, raw Free 1778 Tar,ua. nuts Free 1779 Tamarinds Fr~e per