Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1917

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RECIPROCAL TRADE-S1VITZERLAND. 3H23 ARTICLE IX" Articles the growth, produce or manufacture of the Umted States of America or Switzerland, shall, after importation into the other country, be exempt from all internal taxes, fees, charges or exactions other or higher than those payable on like articles of domestic origin or any other for- eign origin. ARTICLE X The United States of America and Switzerland agree to grant each other unconditional and unrestricted most-favored-nation treatment in all matters concern- ing customs duties and charges of every kind and in the method of levying duties and, further, in all matters concerning the rules, for- malities and charges imposed in connection with the clearing of goods through the customs, and with respect to all laws or regu- lations affecting the sale or use of imported goods within the coun- try. Accordingly, natural or manu- factured products having their origin in the United States of America or Switzerland shall in no case be subject in the other country, in regard to the matters referred to above, to any duties, taxes or charges other or, or to any rules or formalities other or more burdensome, than those to which the like products having their origin in any third country are or may hereafter be subject. Similarly, natural or manu- factured products exported from the territory of the United States of America or Switzerland and consigned to the territory of the other country- shall in no case be subject, WIth respect to expor- tation and in regard to the above- mentioned matters, to any duties, taxes or charges other or, or to any rules or formalities other or more burdensome, than those to which the like products when consigned to any third country are or may hereafter be subject. 1040lHo--:m-I'T JI-119 ARTICLE IX Les articles produits naturels . Internal t!IX exemp. , • tlOns. ou manufactures des Etats-Ums d'Amerique ou de Suisse seront exempts, apres leur importation dans l'autre de ces pays, de toutes taxes, droits, frais ou contributions internes, autres ou plus eleves que ceux qui sont acquittes par les articles similaires nationaux ou origin aires de tout autre pays etranger. ARTICLE X Les Etats-Unis d'Amerique et Most-favored-nation 1S · . d treatment, etC'. a Ulsse conVlennent e s'ac- corder reciproquement Ie traite- ment inconditlOnnel et illimite de la nation la plus favorisee pour tout ce qui concerne les droits et autres frais de douane et Ie mode de perception des droits, pour les regles, formalites et charges aux- quelles les operations de dedoua- nement des marchandises pour- raient etre soumises, ainsi que pour toutes les lois ou reglements concernant Ia vente ou l'utilisa- tion dans Ie pays de marchandises importees. Par consequent, Ies produit!'- naturels ou manufactures origI- naires des Etats-Unis d'Amerique ou de Suisse ne seront en aucun cas assujettis sous Ies rapports susvises, dans l'autre de ces pays, a des droits, taxes ou charges, autres ou plus cleves, ni a des regles et formalitcs autres ou plus onereuses que ceux aux- quels sont ou seront assujettis Ies produits de meme nature origin aires d'un pays tiers quel- conque. De meme, les produits naturels ou manufactures exportes du ter- ritoire des Etats-Unis d'Amerique ou de Suisse a destination du territoire de l'autre de ces pays ne seront en aucun cas assujettis, sous les memes rapports, a des droits, taxes ou charges autres ou plus eleves, ni a des regles et formalites autres ou plus onereuses que ceux auxquels sont ou seront assujettis les memes produits destines au territoire d'un autre pays quelconque.