Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1923

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RECIPROCA.L TRA.DE-S'VITZERLAND. of America f1pproved June 12, 1934,entitled "AN ACT To amend the Tariff Act of 1930", and shall be ratified by the Swiss Federal Council with the consen t of the Federal Assembly of the Swiss Confederation. Pending the exchange of the instrument of approval and con- firmation and the instrument of ratification which shall take place at Bern as soon as possible, the provisions of Articles I to XVII, mclusive, shall be applied recip- rocally by the United States of America and Switzerland on Feb- ruary 15, 1936, and therea.fter until the day on which the entire Agreement shall come into force. The entire Agreement shall come into force thirty days after the day of the exchange of the instrument of approval and con- firmation and the instrument of ratification. The Agreement shall continue in force until Feb- ruary 14, 1939, subject to the provisions of Article VI, Article XI, Article XV, Article XVI and Article XVII. Unless at least six months be- fore February 14, 1939, the Gov- ernment of either country shall have given to the other Govern- ment notice of intention to termi- nate this Agreement on that date, the Agreement shall remain in force thereafter, subject to the provisions of Article VI, Article XI, Article XV, Article XVI and Article XVII, until six months from the day on which the Gov- ernment of either country shall have given such notice to the other Government. intitule "AN ACT To amend the Tariff Act of 1930" et sera ratifie par Ie Conseil Federal Suisse avec l'approbation de I' Assemblee Fe- derale de Ia Confederation Suisse. En attendant l'echange de l'in- strument d'approbation et de confinnation et de l'instrument de ratification, qui aura lieu a Berne aussit6t que possible, Ies dis- positions des articles I a XVII inclusivement seront appliquees reeiproquement par les Etats- Unis d'Amerique et la Suisse, des Ie 15 fevrier 1936, jusqu'au jour oil. I' accord dans son entIer entrera en vlgueur. L'accord dans son entier entrera en vigueur trente jours apres la date de l'echange de l'instrument d'approbation et de confirmation et de I'instrument de ratification. L'accord restera en vigueur jus- qu'au 14 fevrier 1939, sous reserve des dispositions des articles VI, XI, XV, XVI et XVII. Si, au moins six mois avant Ie 14 fevrier 1939, Ie Gouvernement de l'un des pays n'a pas notifi6 a l'autre son intention de mettre fin au present accord a cette date, I'accord restera en vigueur, sous reserve des dispositions des ar- ticles VI, XI, XV, XVI et XVII, jusqu'a l'expiration d'une periode de six mois a partir de la date A laquelle Ie Gouvernement de l'un des deux pays aura notifie al'autre un preavis de denonciation. In witness whereof the rcspec- En foi de quoi, les Plenipoten- tive Plenipotentiaries have signed tiaries des deux pays ont signe Ie this Agreement and have affixed present accord et y ont appose their seals hereto. leurs cachets. Done in duplicate, in the Eng- Fait en double exemplaire, en lish and French languages, both langues anglaise et fran~aise, les authentic, at the City of Wash- deux textes faisant egalement foi, ington, this ninth day of January, en la ville de Washington, Ie neuf nineteen hundred and thirty-six. janvier, mil neuf cent trente-six. For the President of the United States of America: CORDELL HULL [SEAL] For .the Swiss Federal Council: MARC PETER [SEAL] 3929 Vol.48. p.~3. C. s. c., p.8711. Effective dates. Duration. Signatures.