Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/2008

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4014 CUSTOMS MATTERS-ECUADOR. 4. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as a limitation of the right of either country to impose on such terms as it may see fit prohibitions or restrictions (1) imposed on moral or humanitarian grounds; (2) designed to protect human, animal or plant life; (3) relating to prison-made goods; (4) relating to the enforcement of police or revenue laws; or (5) relating to the control of the export or sale for export of arms, ammunition, or implements of war, and, in exceptional circumstances, all other military supplies. 5. The present agreement becomes operative on this twelfth day of June, 1936, and shall continue in force until superseded by a more comprehensive commercial agreement or by a definitive treaty of commerce and navigation, or until denounced by either country by advance written notice of not }(lSS than thirty days. Accept, Sir, the renewed assnrances of my highe~ consideration. COUDELI, IIULL The Honorable Capitan COL<Jx Er..oy ALFAHO, Minister of Ecuador. The Ecuadoran Afinister (Alfaro) to tlte SecretaJ'!! of State (Hull)l SEXOR SECRETARIO: LEGACI()X DEI.. ECUADOR , lVa8hington, 12 de Junio de 1930. Tengo el honor de hacer la declaraci6n siguiente de mi interpreta- cion del acuerdo a que se ha llegado pOl' medio de las conversaciones recientemente tenidas en Washington por representantes del Gobierllo de los Estados Unidos de America y del Gobierno de la Republica del Ecuador, relativas al tratamiellto que los Estados Unidos de America acordara al comercio de Ia Republica del Ecuador y que Ia Republica del Ecuador acordara al comercio de los Estados Unidos de America. 1. Estas conversaciones han demostrado una mutua iJ~teligencia. entre los dos Gobiernos, esto es que, con re::;pecto f., derechos de im- portacion, exportacion y otros impnestos y tasas que afectan al comercio, asf como respecto a transito, bodegaje y otras facilidades, los Estados Unidos de America acordarun a la Repllblica del Ecuador y la Republica del Ecuador acordara a los Estados Unidos de Ame- rica, a sus territorios y posesiones, al tratamiento incondicional de Ia nacion mas favorecida. 1 The text of this note in translation is identic with the text of the note of the Secretary of State, salutation and closing paragraph ,·xcepted.- ED ITOR.