Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/2027

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INDEX. XVll Nonaggression and Conciliation, Pan American Treaty _________________ _ Nordstrom, Fred Edward, military record corrccted ________________________ _ Norfolk Navy Yard, Va., paymcnt of claims for extra lahor______________ _ Norfolk Southern Railroad Co., jurisdic- tion conferred upon Court of Claims to hear claim oL _________________ _ Normandin, Joseph Horace Albion, naval record corrected __________________ _ North Carolina, closed area de8ignated under Migratory Bird Treaty Act ___ _ Northrop, Walter F., payment to ________ _ Norway, parcel-post convention witlL ___ _ Nowakowski, Anthony, payment to ______ _ Noxon, Emmett C., payment to_________ _ o Page. 3363 2223 2201 2217 2088 3450 217~ 3042 2231 2072 O'Brien, Dr. A . J ., payment to__________ 2245 O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. William, payment to ______________________________ 2310 O'Brine, Elsie, payment to_ __________ ___ 2353 Obsolete Publications, disposition of, etc_ 2381 O'Hara, Edwin J., credit in accounts oL _ 2136, 2138 Old Age Pension Plans Investigations, additional copies of report and hear- ings ordered ________________ - - ___ _ Oldham, Edw~rd P., Jr., payment to ___ _ Olin, Hilden, credit in accounts oL _____ _ Oliphant, Mrs. G . C., payment to ______ _ Olh·er, Robert, military record corrected_ Olsen, Thomas F., credit in accounts oL_ O'Neal, Frank. See Cordova, }:t'rank. O'Neill, W. F., payment to ____________ _ Oregon: Fremont National Forest, area enlarged_ Willamette National :Forest, area. en- larged_______________ - - __ - - -- -- -- Orlando, Oswald, payment to _____ _ Osterman, j~ H., credit in accounts of __ _ Otto Misch Co., payment to ___________ _ OUaChit~National Forest. Ark., designated area (>stablished as game sanctuaries_ Ouachita Warehouse, Camden, Ark., pay- ment authorized for claims for losses byfire:.,________-------_____------ Overly, Florence, payment to __________ _ own:~~e!~ _~.~_l_a:~~_19:43, 19 November 2014 (UTC))19:43, 19 November 2014 (UTC) _t_~,_~t~ Ozark Nat,onal Forest, Ark., area t~l- larged ___________________________ _ Ozark National Game Refuge No.5, Ark., area cnlarged ________________ - - - - -- P 2387 2362 2135 2309 2051'1 2128 2119 3477 3486 2167 20S0 2216 3439 2214 2164 23GS 3478 Pace, Herbert E., credit in accounts of ____ 2135 Pace, James M., eredit in postal accounts_ 2095 Pachler, Second Lt. Francis T., payment to _______________________________ _ Padgett, Mrs. J . M., payment teL _______ _ Painter, Dr. F. U., paYlllent to __________ _ Pak Chue Chan, Dr., license granted to __ _ Pamlico Timber Corporation, jurisdiction conferred upon U. S . District Court to hear claim oL ____________'"_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Panama Canal Department, Quarry Heights, C. Z ., credit in accounts of finance offi.cer ____________________ _ Pan American Arbitration Treaty________ _ Pan American Conventions: Extradition ________________________ _ Nationality of womelL ______________ _ Rights and duties of states___________ _ Pan American Treaties: Page. 2236 2280 2309 2211 2196 2138 3153 3111 2957 3097 Nonaggrcssion and conciliation_ _______ 3363 Protection of artistic and scientific in- stitlltions and historic monuments_ 3267 Pan, George, paymcnt to_ ___ ___________ 2143 Pan, Lucy, payment to ________________ 2143 Pan, Sarah, payment to _________________ 2143 Pan, Thomas, paymcnt to_ _____ ________ 2143 Panozza, Anna, paymcnt to_ ________ ____ 2095 Paraguay, revocation of prohibition on exportation of arms, etc_, to_ ________ 3480 Parcel Post. See Postal Agreements; Postal Conventions. Park, Grace, payment to parents of ______ _ 2255 Park, James L., paympnt to_____________ 2333 Parker, Harry L., adjustmcnt of claim_ _ _ 2:321 Parker, Maj. Frank E., cf('<iit in accounts oL ___________________________ 2142,2237 Parramore, Raymond, paYllIPllt to_ _____ _ 2161 Parse, James B., paymcnt to____________ 2367 Pascale, Henry, payment to_ ____________ 2196 Patnaude, Robert E., paymcnt to________ 2059 Paxton, Edward C., credit in arcounts of __ 2246 Payne, W. E ., paymcnt to______________ 2340 Peanuts, certain provisions of Agricultural Adjustment Act termin:lled as to____ 3418 Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, cascment rclin- quished aL ________________________ 2054 Pearson, Emma M., disability claim to he examined_ ___________________ _____ 2350 Pencke, William L., scttlcment of claim of _ 2372 Penn, Dennis 0., payment to___ _ _______ 2141 Pennsylvania Railroad Co., adjustment of claim_ _________________________ 2065 Pensacola Navy Yard, Fla., payment of claims for extra labor____ ____ _______ 2201 Pensions. See Old Age Pensioll Plans Invcstigatiolls. Peraglia, Thomas, payment to estate of __ Perkins, Mearon, payment to __________ _ Perrine, Robert K., payment to ________ _ Perry, Basil H., payment to ____________ _ Peru, radio communications agreement-_ Peterson, Ben, paymcnt to _____________ _ 2057 2199 2119 2119 3555 2339