Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/208

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2224 74TH CONGRESS. SESS. II. CHS. 78,84,85. FEB. 18,25,1936. [CHAPTER 78.J AN ACT February IS. la6. 18.3IMf .J For the relief of the Hartford-Connecticut Trust Company, Incorporated. (Private, No. 3Q7.1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of t!w cufar.::u~'g~::.=;: l!nited Sftates of Almert Re 'ca in qonu h resbs as8emhbl~d'dThatdthd~ CO~dnlltS­ Iueorporated. SlOner 0 Interna venue IS ere y aut orlZe an Irec'-C. 0 c~nr~dt::ar~iiunnc:l receive, codnsider, and determfinl~' ~n ~ccordance wI lfialw d , butt wI Itth- ambor1&ed. out regar to any statute 0 ImItations, any calm e no a er than SIX months after the passage of this Act by the Hartford- Connecticut Trust Company, a corporation organized and existing under the banking laws of the State of Connecticut, having its prin- cipal place of business in Hartford, Connecticut, for the refund of income and profits taxes erroneously collected from the said Hart- ford-Connecticut Trust Company m 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, and ~ons. 1923: Provided, Mwever, That the Commissioner of Internal Reve- nue shall deduct from the amount of any overpayment determined under the provisions of this Act the amount of any" additional taxes determined to be due for the years 1921 or 1922, whether or not the assessment or collection of such additional taxes is barred by any IDterestd1sallowed. statute of limitations: Provided further, That in the settlement of said claim there shall be no allowance of interest. Approved, February 18, 1936. [CHAPTER 84.] AN ACT Febr.Jary 25, 1936. - =:-. !I;:.H:.:. ., .R=':.,;6;...:706~.=I,....- To authorize the presentation of a Distinguished Flying Cross to Lieutenant (Private, No. M .l Colonel Francis T. Evans, United States Marine Corps. Be it enacted by the Senate and HOU8e of Representatives of the Lt. Col. Francis T. United State8 of America in Congress assembled, That the President Evans, Marine Corps.. h b h'd D" . IdFl' C Presentation of IS ere y aut orlze to present a Istmgu~ 1e ymg ross to =~:~::orfz!;f~ Lieutenant Colonel Francis T. Evans, United States :Marine Corps, for extraordinary achievement while participating ill an aerial1light Proc>iIo. prior to April 6, 1917: Prov-ided, That the President shall ascerhiin Condition. that the achievement was of such character as to justify the award. Approved, February 25, 1936. [CHAPTER 85.J AN ACT February 25, 1936. --=~I:=H.:..:.R:.:...=843,.-~-==.. I~_ To provide for the issuance of a license to practice the healing art in the District [Private, No. 399.] of Columbia to Doctor Arthur B. Walker. Be it enacted by the Serwte and House of Repre8entatives of the w~~r Arthur B. Unite~ State8.of. A1}U3rica i-,! Congre8s. a8l:;en~bl~d, TI~at, notwit~­ License to f:ractice standmg any IUllltabon relatmg to the tIme withm whIch an apph- ~~6r:fu:t~~ TarmstroBot (talk)\iTarmstroBot (talk) cation for a. license must be filed, the Commission on Licensure to IZed. Practice the Healing Art ill the District of Columbia is authorized and directed to issue a license to practice the healing art in the District of Columbia. to Doctor Arthur B. Walker, Lincoln, Ne- braska, in accordance with the p'-rovisions of the first parl!gI'aph of Vol. .s, p. laM. section 24 of the Healing Arts Practice Act, District of Columbia, 1928. Approved, February 25, 1936.