Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/399

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TELECOMMUNICATION CONVENTION. DECEMBER 9, 1932. 2415 tions and/or certain classes of communications, provided that it immediately so advise each of the other contracting governments, through the intermediary of the Bureau of the Union. ARTICLE 28 Investigation oj Violations The contracting governments undertake to inform each other con- lali~=,tigation of vio- cerning violations of the provisions of the present Convention and of the Regulations which they accept, in order to facilitate the action to be taken. ARTICLE 29 Oharges and Franking Privileges The provisions relating to the charges for telecommunications and Pri~.w::.andfranh:ing the various cases in which the latter enjoy franking privileges are laid down in the Regulations annexed to the present Convention. ARTICLE 30 Priority oj Transmission jor Government Telegrams and Radiotelegrams In translnission, government telegrams and radiotelegrams shall ~overnmen t pri. enjoy priority over other telegrams and radiotelegrams, except in on y. the case when the sender expressly waives such right of priority. ARTICLE 31 Secret Language § 1. Government telegrams and radiotelegrams as well as service Secret language. telegrams and radiotelegrams, in all relations, may be written in secret language. § 2. Private telegrams and radiotelegrams may be sent in secret language between all the countries, except those which previously, through the intermediary of the Bureau of the Union, have announced that they do not permit such language for these categories of messages. § 3. Contracting governments which do not permit private tele- grams and radiotelegrams in secret language from or to their own territory must permit them to pass in transit, except in the case of Anl p • p. 2m. suspension of service provided for in article 27. ARTICLE 32 Monetary Unit The monetary unit used in the composition of international tele-

\fonctary unit.

communication rates and in setting up the international accounts shall be the gold franc of 100 centimes, weighing 10/31 of a gram, and of a fineness of 0.900. ARTICLE 33 Rendering oj Accounts The contracting governments must account to one anot}ler for the charges collected by their respective services. Rendering 8l'COUD ts.