Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/609

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TELECOMMUNICATION CONVENTION. DECEMBER 9, 1932. 2625 ABBREVIATIONS TO BE USED IN ALL SERVICEs-Continued Abbreviation QTF QTG QTH QTI QTJ QTM QTO QTP QTQ QTR QTU QUA QUB Question Will you give me the posi- tion of my station on the basis of bearings taken by the radio direction-finding stations which you control? Will you transmit your call signal during 50 seconds ending with a lO-second dash, on ... kilocycles (or ••• meters) so that I may take your radio direction-finding bearings? What is your position in lati- tude and in longitude (or according to any other indi- cation)? What is your true course? What is your speed? Transmit radio signals and submarine sound signals to enable me to determine my bearing and my distance. Have you left dock (or port)? Are you going to enter dock (or port)? Can you communicate with my station by the Inter- national Code of Signals? IWhat is the exact time? I What are the hours during I which your station is open? Have you any news from ••• (call ,ignal of the mobile ,tation)? Can you give me, in the fol- lowing order, information con ce rn ing: visibility, height of clouds, ground wind at ... (place OJ ob,ervation) ? Answer or statement The position of your station on the basis of bearings taken by the radio direc- tion-finding stations which I control is ..• lati- tude, ••• longitude. I will transmit my call signal during 50 seconds, ending with a lO-second dash, on ..• kilocycles (or . . . meters) so that you may take my radio direc- tion-finding bearings. My position is ..• lati- tude, ... longitude (or according to any other indi- cation.) My true course is .. , degrees. My speed is ... knots (or ••• kilometers) per hour. I am transmitting radio sig- nals and submarine sound signals to enable you to determine your bearing and your distance. I have left dock (or port). I am going to enter dock (or port). I am going to communicate with your station by the International Code of Sig- nals. The exact time is ... My station is open from ... to ... This is the news from . .• (call ,ignal of the mobile 8tation). This is the information re- quested: •..•• .• .• .. . List of abbrevia- tions-Continued.