Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/63

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74TH CONGRESS. SESS.1. CRS. 252-254, 262. JUNE 14,15,1935. 2079 [CHAPTER 252.] AN ACT For the relief of Robert M. Kenton. June 14, 1035. [H. R. 22Ot.J - [Private, No. sa:r Be it eno(;ted by tM Senate and llouse of Representatives of the United Stales of America in Congress asse1nbled, That the United Robe.r~ M. Kenton. S E1'C . C...hb I'd PrOVISIOns of Em· tates mp oyees ompensatlOn ommlsslon IS ere y aut 10rlze ployoos' Compensation to consider and determine, in the same manner and to the same Act extended to. extent as if application for the benefits of the Employees' Compen- sation Act had been made within the one-year period required by Vol. 39, p. 7 .6 . sections 17 and 20 thereof, the claim of Robert M. Kenton, on t" . s. c.. p. 100 . account of disability due to arthritis alleged to have been proxi- mately caused by his employment in the service of the United States Prol"iso. between January 24, 1924, and June 30, 1932: Provided, That no Xo prior benefits. benefits shall accrue prior to the enactment of this Act. Approved, June 14, 1935. [CHAPTER 253.] AN ACT June 14, 1935. For the relief of Eva S. Brown. [II. R. 2M3 .] [Private, No. 84.) Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the United Eva S. Brown. States Employees' Compensation Commission be, and is hereby, PlTarmstroBot (talk):114:05, 19 November 2014 (UTC)~~i~~ authorized to consider and determine, in the same manner and to Act extended to. the same extent as if application for the benefits of the Employees' Compensation Act had been made within the one-year period required by sections 17 and 20 thereof, the claim of Eva S. Brown, on Vol. 39, p. 746 . account of disability due to chronic bronchitis alleged to have been l" . s . c., p. 100. proximately caused by her employment in the service of the United States between October 13, 1921, and November 30, 1927: Provided, Prol'iso. That no benefits shall accrue prior to the enactment of this Act. Xo prior benefits. Approved, June 14, 1935. [CHAPTER 254.] AN ACT June 14, 19M. For the relief of Henry Harrison Griffith. [II. R. 26&1.) [J>ri\"!lt"'-;-No~8..r,.I-- Be it ena.cted by the Senate and H ou.~e of Rcp'l'esentativet~ of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the United Ht'nry Hilrri~on States Employees' Compensation Commission is hereby authorized G~~,~~!l~i()ns or EI11- to consider and determine, in the same manner and to the same extent ployt't 's' Compensation as if application for the benefits of the Employees' Compensation Act t'xtt'nded tn. Act had been made within the one-year period required by sections 17 and 20 thereof, the claim of Henry Harrison Griffith, on account \"oi :I\\.p . 746. of disability alleged to have been proximately caused by his employ- l ". ~. c., p. 100 . ment in the service of the United States prior to the year 1919: Provided, That no benefits shell accrue prior to the approval of this J'rOl;"". A.ct. s<> I·rj<lr lot'nellts. Approved, June 14, 1935. [CHAPTER 262.) AN ACT For the relief of Carmine Sforza. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatit·es of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and in full settlement of all claims against the United States, the sum of June 15, 1935. (S.209.] -CFri'·tlie;-;>{o-:-!Sil. -)- Carmine !'rorzs. Payment to.