Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/664

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2680 COMMERCE ANP CONSULAR IUQHTS-FINLAND. FEB . 13, 1934. Salvage or ship- wrecked ves.<;els. post or imported at any time dur- ing his incumbency thereof; pro- vided, nevertheless, that no arti- cle, the importation of which is prohibited by the law of either of the High Contracting Parties, may be brought into its territory. It is understood, however, that this privilege shall not be ex- tended to consular officers who are engaged in any private occu- pation for gain in the countries to which they are accredited, save with respect to govern- mental supplies. ARTICLE XXVIII All proceedings relative to the salvage of vessels of either High Contracting Party wrecked upon the coasts of the other shall be directed by the Consular Officer of the country to which the vessel belongs and within whose dis- trict the wreck may have oc- curred. Pending the arrival of such officer, who shall be imme- diately informed of the occur- rence, the local authorities shall take all necessary measures for the protection of persons and the preservation of wrecked property. The local authorities shall not otherwise interfere than for the maintenance of order, the protec- tion of the interests of the salvors, if these do not belong to the crews that have been wrecked, and to carry into effect the arrange- ments made for the entry and exportation of the merchandise saved. I t is understood that such merchandise is not to be sub- jected to any custom house charges, unless it be intended for consumption in the country where the wreck may have taken place. Local interventioll The intervention of the local expenses. authorities in these different cases shall occasion no expense of any kind, except such as may be caused by the operations of salvage and the preservation of the goods saved, together with such as would be incurred under similar circumstances by vessels of the nation. maahan joko konsulin mukana hanen saapuessaan virkapaik- kaansa tai milloin tahansa hanen virassa ollessaan; kuitenkin silla. edellytyksella, ettei mitaan tava- raa, jonka tuonti on jomman- kumman Korkean Sopimuspuolen laeissa kielletty, sao. tuoda sen alueelle. On kuitenkin sovittu, ettei tats. etuoikeutta, virallisia tarvikkeita. lukuunottamatta, uloteta kon- sulivirkamiehiin, joilla on yksi- tyinen ansiotoimi siina maassa, mihin heidat on valtuutettu. XXVIII ARTIKLA Kaikkia toimenpiteita jomman- kumman Korkean Sopimuspuolen rannikoilla haaksirikkoutuneiden toisen Sopimuspuolen alusten pe- Iastamiseksi tulee johtaa aluksen kotimaan sen konsulivirkamie- hen, jonka piirissa haaksirikko on tapahtunut. Kunnes konsuli, jolle tapahtumasta on heti ilmoi- tettava, on saapunut, tulee pai- kallisten viranomaisten ryhtya kaikkiin tarpeellisiin toimenpitei- siin henkiloiden suojelemiseksi ja haaksirikkoutuneen omaisuuden sailyttamiseksi. Paikalliset vi- ranomaiset eivat saa puuttua asiaan muuten Imin yllapitaak-. seen jarjestysta, suojellakseen pe- IastnJicn etuja, elleivat nama kuu- Iu baaksirikkoutuneeseen miehis- Won, ja toimeenpannakseen pe- lastettujcn tavarain tulliselvitys- ta ja vientia koskevnt jarjestelyt. On sovittu, ettei sellaisista tava- roista sao, kantaa tullimaksujn, ellei niita aiota kaytettaviksi siina maassa, missa haaksirikko on tapahtunut. Paikalliaten viranomaisten asiann puuttuminen naissa eri ta- pauksissa ei sao. aiheuttaa min- kiiiiniaisia kuluja, paitsi sellaisia, jotka johtuvat pelastustoimen- piteista ja pelastetun tavaran siiilyttamisesta, ynna sellaisia, jotka joutuisivat oman maan alusten maksettaviksi samanlai.... siRsa tilanteissa.