Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/665

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COMMERCE AND CONSULAR RIGHTS-FINLAND. FEB .l3,1934. 2681 ARTICLE XXIX A consular officer of either High Contracting Party may in behalf of his non-resident coun- trymen, and without being re- <J.uired to produce his authoriza- tIOn, collect and receipt for their distributive shares derived from estates in process of probate or accruing under the provisions of so-called Workmen's Compensa- tion Laws or other like statutes provided he remit any funds so received through the appropriate agencies of his Government to the proper distributees, and provided further that he furnish to the authority or agency making dis- tribution through him reasonable evidence of such remission. ARTICLE XXX A consular officer of either High Contracting Party shall have the right to inspect within the ports of the other High Contracting Party within his consular district, the private vessels of any flag destined or about to clear for ports of the country appointing him in order to observe the san- itary conditions and measures taken on board such vessels, and to be enabled thereby to execute intelligently bills of health and other documents required by the laws of his country, and to in- form his Government concerning the extent to which its sanitary regulations have been observed at ports of departure by vessels destined to its ports, with a view to facilitating entry of such ves- sels therein; provided however, that in respect of vessels of any country other than the High Contracting Parties, the Govern- ment concerned does not object. XXIX ARTIKLA Kummankin Korkean Sopimus- Handlini funds for ••• non-resident country· puolen konsulivll'kanues saa muu- men. alIa asuvain kansalaistensa puo- lesta, tarvitsematta esittaa hei- dan valtuutustaan, nostaa ja kui- tata naiden jako-osuudet, jotka tulevat valvonnan alaisena ole- vasta omaisuudesta tai kertyvat n.s . tyovaenvakuutuslakien tai muiden samanlaisten lakien maa- raysten johdosta, edellyttaen, etta han lahettaa siten saamansa varat hallituksensa asianomaisten lai- tosten kautta oikealle saajalle ja edellyttaen lisaksi, etta han esittaa viranomaiselle tai laitok- selle, joka suorittaa jaon hanen valityksellaan, asianmukaisen to- disteen varojen lahettamisesta. xxx ARTIKLA Kummankin Korkean Sopimus- Cl:;=:~~O~::~ puolen konsulivirkamiehella on oleva oikeus toisen Korkean Sopi- muspuolen satamissa konsulipii- rissaan tarkastaa minka lipun suojassa tahansa kulkevia yksi- tyisten aluksia, joiden on miUi.ra labtea tai joita selvitetiiiin hanet nimittaneen maan satamiin, ot- taakseen selon alusten terveyso- loista ia terveydenhoidollisista toimenpiteista, joihin niissa on ryhdytty, ja voidakseen siten asianmukaisesti antaa terveysto- distuksen ja muut asiapaperit, jotka hanen maansa lakien mu- kaan vaaditaan, ja ilmoittaa hal- litukselleen, missa maarin sen antamia terveydenhoidollisia saa- doksia on lahtosatamissa nouda- tettu sen satamiin lahtevissa aluk- sissa, jotta alusten paasy niihin helJ>ottuisi; kuitenkin edellytta- maIIa, etta, mikali kysymys on minka tahansa muun maan kuin Korkeiden Sopimuspuolien aluk- sista, asianomainen hallitus ei tee muistutusta.