Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/708

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2724 INTERNATIONAL LABOR ORGANIZATION. JUNE 28, 1919. Dans Ie cas OU il s'agit d'un Etatfederatif dontlepouvoird'ad- herer a une convention sur des objets concernant Ie travail est soumis a certaines limitations, Ie Gouvernement aura Ie droit de considerer un projet de convention auquel s'appliquent cas limitations comme une simple recommanda- tion et les dispositions du present article en ce qui regarde les recom- mandations s'appliqueront dans ce cas. L'article ci-dessus sera inter- prete en conform;te du principe suivant: En aucun cas il ne sera demande aaucun des Membres,comme con- sequence de l'adoption par 10. Con- ference d'une recommandation ou d'un projet de convention, de diminuer la protection deja accor- dee par sa legislation aux travail- leurs dont il s'agit. ARTICLE 406. Effect of ratification. Toute convention ainsi ratifiee sera en registree par Ie Secretaire g~neral de la Societe des Nations, mais ne liera que les Membres qui l'ont ratifiee. ARTICLE 407. Convention failing to T . . d1 t' ~ecl1re necefsar~· votes. out proJet qUI, ans e scru In final sur l'ensemble, ne recueillera pas la majorit6 des deux tiers des suffrages exprim6s par les mem- bres presents peut faire l'objet d'une convention particuliere entre ceux des Membres de l'Or- ganisation permanente qui en ont Ie desir. Toute convention particuliere de cetta nature devra ~tre com- muniquee par les Gouvernements intcresses au Secretaire general de la Societe des Nations, lequel la fera enregistrer. In the case of a federal State, the power of which to enter into conventions on labour matters is subject to limitations, it shall be in the discretion of that Govern- ment to treat a draft convention to which such limitations apply as a recommendation only, and the provisions of this Article with respect to recommendations shall apply in such case. The above Article shall be inter- preted in accordance with the following principle: In no case shall any :Member be asked or required, as a result of the adoption of any recommenda- tion or draft convention by the Conference, to lessen the protec- tion afforded by its existing legis- lation to the workers concerned. ARTICLE 4.06 . Any convention so ratified shall be registered by the Secretary- General of the League of Nations, but shall only be binding upon the Members which ratify it. ARTICLE 407. If any convention coming be- fore the Conference for final consideration fails to secure the support of two-thirds of the votes cast by the Delegates present, it shall nevertheless be within the right of any of the :Members of the Permanent Organisation to agree to such convention among themselves. Any convention so agreed to shall be communicated by the Governments concerned to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations, who shall register it.