Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/715

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INTERXATIONAL LABOR ORGANIZATION. JUNE 28,1919. 2731 concerne chacune de ses colonies rates and possessions whieh are ou possessions ou chacun de ses not fully self-governing. protectorats ne se gouvernant pas pleinement eux-memes. ARTICI.E 422. ARTICLE 422. Les amendemcnts a 180 presente Amendments to tIlls Part of the Adoption of amend· . ments. Partie du present Traite, qui present Treaty which are adopted seront adoptes par In. Conference by the Conference by a majority a It), majorite des deux-tiers des of two-thirds of the votes cast by suffrages emis par les deIcgues the Delegates present shall take presents, deviendront executoires effect when ratified by the States lorsqu'ils aurout etc ratifies par whose representatives compose les Etats dont les reprcsentants the Council of the League of formeut Ie Conseil de Ia Societe Nations nnd by three-fourths of des Nations et par les trois quarts the ~1embers. des ~1embres. ARTICLE 423. ARTICLE 423. Toutes questions ou difficuItcs relatives a l'interpretation de la presente Partie du present Traite et des conventions ulterieurement conclues par les Membrcs, en vertu de ladite Partie, seront soumises a I'appr6ciation de Ia Cour permanente de Justice inter- nationale. Any question or dispute reIst- taTarmstroBot (talk)tion of interpre- ing to the interpretation of this CUAPITRE IV. Mesures transitoires. ARTICLE 424. La premiere session de Ia Confe- rence aura lieu au mois d'octobre 1919. Le lieu et l'ordre du jour de 180 session sont arretes dans l'Annexe ci-jointe. La convocation et. l'organisa- tion de cette premiere session se- ront assurees par Ie Gouvernement designe a cet efiet dans l'Annexe susmentionnee. Le Gouverne- ment sera assistC, en ce qui con- cerne 180 preparation des docu- ments, par une Commission inter- nationale, dont les membres se- ront designes a. 10. m~me annexe. 104019°-~6-PT 11-44 Part of the present Treaty or of any subsequent convention con- cluded by the Members in pur- suance of the provisions of this Part of the present Treaty shall be referred for decision to the Per- manent Court of International Justice. CHAPTER IV. Transitory provisions. ARTICLE 424. The first meeting of the Con- ference shall take place in OctoberI 1919. The place and agenda for this meeting shall be as specified in the Annex hereto. Arrangements for the convening and the organisation of the first meeting of the Conference will be made by the Government desig- nated for the purpose in the said Annex. That Government shall be assisted in the preparation of the documents for submission to the Conference by an Interna- tional Committee constituted as provided in the said Annex. Transit<,rY JlT,wi- ~ion~. Firbt meeting.