Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/722

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2738 INTERNATIONAL LABOR ORGANIZATION. JUNE 28,1919. Resolution. [Enclosure] RESOLUTION ADOPTED UNANIMOUSLY BY THE EIGH'l'EENTH SESSION OF THE INTER- NATIONAL LABOUR CONFERENCE ON 22ND JUNE, 1934 St~~:1.tatjon to Gnlted The International Labour Conference Aooeptanoe by United States. takes note of the communication of 22 June 1934 addressed to the Director of the International Labour Office by the authorised repre- sentative of the Government of the United States of America, heartily welcomes the decision of the Congress of the United States authorising the President to accept on behalf of the Government of the United States Membership in the International Labour Organi- sation, recalling that it has always been the firm conviction of the Organisation that its ends could be more effectively adyunced if the Membership of the Organisation could be made universal, hereby decides to invite the Government of the United States to accept Member- ship in the Internationul Labour Organisation it being understood that such acceptance involves only those rights and obligations pro- vided for in the constitution of the Organisation and shall not involve any obligations under the Covenant of the League of Nations, and further decides That, in the event of the Government of the United States accept- ing Membership, the Governing Body is hereby authorised to arrange with the Government of the United States any questions nrising out of its Membership including the question of its financial contribution. CERTIFIED on behalf of the Eighteenth International Labour Conference: JUSTIN GODART President. TM American Consul at Geneva (Gilbert) to the Dil ector oj the International Labor Office (Butler) AMERICAN CONSULAR SERVICE Genet'a, Switzerland, August 20, 193J,. HAROLD BUTLER, Esquire, SIR: Director oj the International La,bor Office, Geneva, Switzerland. In your letter to me of June 22, 1934 you advised that the Inter- national Labor Conference had unanimously adopted a resolution inviting the Government of the United States of America to accept membership in the International Labor Organization and there was transmitted with your letter a copy of the resolution, which in extend- ing the invitation states "that such acceptanco involves only those