Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/729

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20, 1934. LANDAISES, Ie PEROU, Ia PERSE, la POLOGNE, Ie PORTUGAL, les COLONIES PORTUGAISES DE L'A- FRIQUE OCCIDENTALE, les COLO- NIES PORTUGAISES DE L' AFRI- Ql:f~ ORIENTALE, DE L'AsIE et de l./OCEANIE, la ROUMANIE, la REPUDLIQUE DE SAINT-:MA- RIN, Ia REPUDLIQUE DE EL SAL- VADOR, Ie TERRITOIRE DE LA SARRE, Ie SIAM, In. SUEDE, la CONFEDERATION SUISSE, la TCHECOSLOVAQUIE, la TUNISIE, la TURQUIE, L'UNION DES RE- PUBLIQUES SOVIETIQUES SOCIA- LISTES, la REPUBLIQUE O. DE L'URUGUAY, L'ETAT DE LA CITE DU VATICAN, les ETATS-LXIS DE VENEZUELA, L'¥EMEN ET LE ROYAUME DE YOUGOSLAVIK Les soussignes, PI6nipotentiaires des Gouvernements des Pavs ci- dessus enumeres, s'etant reunis en Congres au Caire en vertu de l'article 12 de la Convention pOS- tale universelle conclue it LondrcR Ie 28 juin 1929, ont, d'un com- mun accord et sous r('serve de l'U ti- fication, revise ladite Convention conformement aux dispositions suivantes: TITRE I DE L'UNION POSTALE UNI- VERSELLE. CHAPITRE I RICA, IN ASIA AND OCEANIA, RUMANIA, the REPUBLIC OF SAN ~L-\RINO, the REPUBLIC OF EL SALVADOR, the SAAR TER- RITORY, SIAM, SWEDEN, the SWISS CONFEDERATION, CZECHO- SLOVAKIA, TUNIS, TURKEY, the UNION OF SOCIALISTIC SOVIET REPUBLICS, the EASTERN HE- PUBLIC OF URUGUAY, the YATI- CAN CITY STATE, the UNITED STATES OF VENEZUELA, YEMEN, AND THE KINGDOM OF YUGO- SLAVIA. The undersigned, plenipoten- tiaries of the Governments of the countries above enumerated, be- ing assembled in Congress at Cairo by virtue of Article 12 of the Universal }>ostlll Convention concluded at London on June 28, 1929, have, by common consent and subject to ratification, re- vised the said Convention to reud as follows: TITLE I UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION CHAPTER I ORGANISATION ET RESSORT DE ORGANIZATIOX AND EXTENT L'UNION. OI<' THE UNION ARTICLE PREMIER Constitution de l' Union. Les Pays entre lesquels est conclue la presente Convention forment, sous la denomination d'Union postale universelle, un seul territoire postal pourl'echange reciproque des correspondances. L'Umon postale a egalement pour objet d'assurer I'organisa- tion et Ie perfectionnement des divers services postaux interna- tionaux. ARTICLE 1 Constitution oj the "Cnion The countries between which the present Convention is con- cluded form, under the name of Universal Postal Fnion, a singl6 postal territory for the reciprocal exchange of correspondence. The purpose of the Postn) Union is also to assure the organi- zation and perfection of the vari- ous international postal services. 2745 l'"iversaJ Postal '·niuu. (·()o:--titu!illn. Purpose.