Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/731

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20, 1934. 2747 2. -Dans les Pays OU In legis- lation ne s'y oppose pas, les Ad- ministrations sont autorisecs a prendre entre elles les arrangc- ments necessaires au sujet des questions qui n'interessent pas l'ensemble de l'Union, sous reserve de ne pas y introduire des dis- positions moins favorables que celles qui sont prevues par les Actes de l'Union. Elles peu- vent, Ilotamment, en ce qui con- cerne les objets de correspon- dance, s'entendre pour l'adoption de taxes reduites. ARTICLE 6 Legislation interieure. Les stipulations de la Conven- tion et des Arrangements de l'Union ne portent pitS atteinte a la legislation de chaqt!c Pays clans tout ce qui n'esli pas expresse- ment prevu par cos Ados. ARTICLE 7 R elat'ions exce ptionnelles. Les Administrations qui dcs- servent certains territoires non compris dans l'Union sont tenues d'~tre les intermediaires des autres Administrations. Les dispositions de la Convention et de son Regle- ment sont applicables a ('( '8 relations exccptionnelles. ARTICLE 8 Colon'ies, Protectorats, etc. Sont considercs commc formant un seul Pays ou une seule Ad- ministration de rUnion, suivant Ie cas, au sens de la Convention et des Arrangements en ce qui con- cerne, notamment, leur droit de vote aux Con~res, aux Confe- rences et dans l'mtervalle entre les reunions ainsi que leur contribu- tion aux depenses du Bureau international de I'Union postale universelle: 10 l'ensemble des Possessions insulaires des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, autres que les Iles Philippines, et com- prenant Hawai, Porto- Rico, Guam et les lIes Vierges des Etats-Unis d'A- merique; 10-4{!1!l'·-:~r.--/"j·II---4;; 2. Administrations of countries whose legislation does not oppose it are authorized to make the necessary agreements among themselves relative to questions which do not interest the whole of the Union, provided that they do not introduce any provisions less favorable than those laid down by the Acts of the Union. They may, in particular, with regard to articles of correspondence, make agreements for the adoption of reduced postage rates. ARTICLE 6 Domestic legislai ion Restricted t: nions. The provisions of the Conven- Dome!'tic legislation • • not affect~d. tIOn and Agreements of the Umon do not affect the legislation of any country concerning anything which is not expressly provided for by those Acts. ARTICLE 7 Exceptional relations Administrations which serye Exceptional rela· certain territories not comprised (ions. in the Union are bound to act as intermediary for the other Admin- istrations. The provisions of the Convention and its Regulations are applicable to such exceptional relations. ARTICLE 8 Colonies, Protectoratc8, etc. rolonie~, protecto. r.ites. etc. The following are considered as Designated, l'onsi<j· f· . I ('Tell as single countries ornung a SIng e country or a or Ildwinistrations. single Administration of tho '['n- ion, as the case may be, in tho sense of the Convention and Agreements, particularly in regard to their right to vote in Con- gresses and Conferences and in the interval between meetings, as well as their contribution to the expenses of the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union: 10 The whole of the Insular Possessions of the United States of America other than the Philippine Islands, comprising Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands of the United States of America;