Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/735

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UXIVEHSAL POST~\L COXVEXTION. ~AHCH 20, 1934. 2751 tissement donne un an a l'avance par voie diplomatiq1le au Gou- vernement de III Confederation Suisse et par celui-ci aux Gouver- nements des Pays contractants. CHAPITRE II CONGRES. CONFl!;RENCES. COMMISSIONS. ARTICLE 13 Congres. I.- Les delegues des Pays de l'Union se reunissent en Congres au plus tanl cinq ans apres la date d~ mise a execution des Actcs du Congrcs prec&1ent, en vue de soumettre cos Actes a revision 011 de les completer, s'il y a lieu. Chaque Pavs se fait representer au Congres par un ou plusieurs delegues plenipotentillires munis, par leur Gouvernement, des pou- voirs necessaires. 11 peut, au besoin, se faire representer par la delegation d'un autre Pays. Tou- tefois, il est cntcndu qu'une delegation ne peut etre chargee que de la representation de deux Pays, y compris celui qui l'n primitivement accreditee. Dans les deliberations, chaque Pays dispose d'une seule voix. i-Chaque Congres fixe Ie lieu de reunion du Congres suivant. Celui-c est convoque par les soins du Gouvernement du Pays dans lequel il doit avoir lieu, apres entente avec Ie Bureau international. Ce Gouvernemont est egalement charge de la notification a tous les Gouverne- ments des Pays de l'Union des decisions prise3 par Ie Congres. ARTICLE 14 Ratifications. ,"'lise a ext cution tt durie des Actes des Congres. Les Actes des Congres Ront rntifies aussit6t que possible et les ratifications sont communiquecs au Gouvernement du Pays, siege du Congres, et par ce Gouverne- mont aux Gouvcrnements des Pays contractants. one year in advance thru diplo- matic channels to the Govern- ment of the Swiss Confederation and by the latter to the Govern- mentsof the contracting countries. CHAPTER II CONGRESSES. CONFERENCES. COMMITTEES ARTICLE 13 Congresses 1. Delegates from the countries of the Union meet in Congress not later thun five years after the ef- fective date of the Acts of the pre- cerling Congress, with a view to revising or completing those Acts, if necessary. (' ongresses, Meetings, Each country is represented at HCI'resentatives. the Congress by one or more plen- ipotentiary delegates, provided with the necessary credentials by' their Government. It may, If necessary, be represented by the delegation of another country. However, it is understood that a delegation may be charged with representing only two countries, including the one by which it was originally accredited. Ithdlibt· h Eac'h ('/lllntry nllC n . e e era Ions, eac coun- vot~, try has but one vote. 2EchC ref ' the Sllb,(>IIIIClIt meeting . a onrss lxes pla('{!, meeting-place 0 the next Con- gress. 'l'he latter is called to- gether by the Government of the country in which it is to be held, in consultation with the Interna- tional Bureau. That Govern- ment is likewise charged with noti- fying all the Governments of the countries of the Union of the de- cisions made by the Congress. ARTICLE 14 llai'ijications. Entry into jorce and durat'ton oj the Acts oj Con- gresses The Acts of Congresses are rati- of J({.~~=TarmstroBot (talk) tit Acts fied as soon as possible, and the ratifications are communicated to the Government of the country where the Congress was held, and by that Government to the Gov- ernments of the contracting coun- tries.