Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/761

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tTNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVE.sTIOX. MARCH 20, 1934. 2777 peditrice est productive d'interet a raison de 5% l'an a compter du jour de l'expiration dudit delai. 3.-L'Administration d'origine ne peut reclamer Ie rembourse- ment de l'indemnite a l'Adminis- tration responsable que dans Ie delai de deux ans a compter de l'envoi de In notification de la perte, ou, s'il y a lieu, du jour de l'expiration du delai prevu a l'ar- ticle 60, § 2. 4. - L'Administration dont la responsabilite est dument etablie et qui a tout d'abord declive Ie payement de l'indemnite doit prendre a sa charge tous les frais accessoires resultant du retard non justifia apporte au payement. 5. - Les Administrations peu- vent s'entendre pourliquider pcrio- diquement les indemmtCs qu'eHes ont payees aux expediteurs et dont elIes ont reconnu Ie bien- ronde. CHAPITRE III E:NVOIS CO~TRE REMBOURSE- ME~T. ARTICLE 03 Taxe.s et cond'ition.s . Liquidation. 1. --Les correspondances recom- mandees peuvent etre expcdices contrc rcmboursement dans les re- lations entre les pays dont les Ad- ministrations conviennent d'as- surer ce serVICe. 2.- Les objets expcdies contre remboursement sont soumis aux fonnalitCs et aux taxes des envois recommandes. En outre, l'ex- pediteur paie a l'avance: a) une taxe fixe qui ne peut depasser 50 centimes par envoi et un droit proportionnel de ~% au maximum du montant du rem- boursement, s'il desire que ce mon- tant soit liquide au moyen d'un mandat de remboursement cmis gratuitement a son profit; b) une taxe fixe de 25 centimes au maximum, s'il demande la liquidation au moyen d'un verse- ment en compte courant postal dans Ie pays de destination de renvoi. the Administration of origin bears interest at the rate of 5 per cent a year, counting from the date of expiration of the said period. 3. The Administration of ori- Time limit. gin may claim repayment of the indemnity from the responsible Administration only within the period of two years, counting from the date of sending the noti- fica tion of the loss; or, if occasion arises, from the date of expiration Ante, I ' 2774. of the period contemplated by Article 60, Section 2. 4. An Administration whose re- Arrearage penalty. sponsibility is duly established and which has at first declined to pay the indemnity must bear all the additional expenses resulting ~rom the unjustified delay in mak- mg payment. 5. Administrations may agr~e mrnet~~odical settle· among themselves to make pen- odical settlements of the indemni- ties which they have paid to the senders and the justness of which they have recognized. CUAPTEH III COLLECT-ON'-DELIVERY ARTICLES AnTIcI.. 1 -} 03 Rates and cond'ition.s . Settlement Colleet-on-del i \'ery articles. Rules ond settle· JIleD t. 1I).td . I b lIet WC(lJI cOllntri('s . "egIs ere artie CR may e agreeiul( to perform sent C. O . D . in relations between service. countries whose Administrations agree to perform Rueh service. 2. ArticleR sent C. O. D. are subject to the conditions and rates applicable to registered articles. Moreover, the sender pays in ad- vance: (a) A fixed fee which may not exceed 50 centimes per urticle and a proportional fee of 3~ percent 8 t most of the amount of theC. O. D. charge, if he desires that such amount be settled by means of u C. O . D. money order issued free of charge in his favor; (b) A fL'wd fee of 25 centimes at most, if he requests settlement by means of a tranRfer to a current postal-check account in the coun- try of destination of the article. Hates, etc.
