Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/777

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20, 1934. 2793 PROTOCOLE FINAL DE LA CONVENTION Au moment de proceder it. 10. signature dela Convention postale universelle conclue it. 10. date de ce jour, les Plenipotentiaires sous- signes sont con venus de ce qui suit: I Retrait. Modification d'adresse. Les dispositions de l'article 51 ne s'appliquent pas it. 10. Grande- Bretagne, ni aux Dominions, Colonies et Protectorats britanni- ques, dont 10. legislation inte- rieure ne permet pas Ie retrait ou 10. modification d'adresse de cor- respondances it. 10. demande de l'expediteur. II Equivalents. Limites maxima et mtntma. l.-C haque pays a 10. faculte de majorer de 40 % ou de reduire de 20% au maximum les taxes prevues it. l'article 34, § 1, con- formement aux indications du tableau ci-apres: Llml· Llml· les In· tes SUo r~rieu· p6rieu res res - Centi· Centi· Illes mes tremier ~chelon .•.... . __ 20 35 IAlttres pa{atTarmstroBot (talk)I~~ ~~.16:07, 19 November 2014 (UTC)TarmstroBot (talk) . 12 21 Cartes postales{TarmstroBot (talk) 16:07, 19 November 2014 (UTC)6'pon';~' 12 21 payoo ......• . 24 42 Papiers d'affaires, par 50 gram· mes ................... _. . •• . 4 i minimum de taxe ......• . .. . . _ 20 3.5 Jmprim~s, par 50 grammes .• ... _ 4 i Impressious en relief pour les IIveugles, par 1000 grammes .• _ EchantiJIons de marchandises, 2,4 4.2 par 50 grammes ............ _ 4 7 minimum de taxe ............. 8 14 Petits paQuets, par 50 grammes _ 8 14 minimum de taxe ..• .• _.. _. __ . 40 70 Les taxes choisies doivent, au- tant 1ue possible, etre entre elles dans es memes proportions que les taxes de base, chaque Adminis- tration ayant 10. faculte d'arrondir ses tax('s suiyant les convenances de son systeme monetaire. FINAL PROTOCOL OF THE FIDAl protocol. CONVENTION At the momen t of proceeding to Agreement of Plenl· sign the Universal Postal Conven- potentlaries. tion concluded on the :present date, the undersigned plempoten- tiaries have agreed as follows: I Withdrawal. Change oj address Withdrawal or change of address. The provisions of Article 51 do Provlslous not ap~lI. •• cable to Great Britain, not ap1>ly to Great Bntam, nor etc. to the British Dominions, Colo- nies and Protectorates, whose do- mestic legislation does not permit the withdrawal or change of ad- dress of correspondence at the request of the sender. II Equivalents. Maximum and minimum limits 1. Each country has the option Limiting rates. of increasing by 40 per cent, or of decreasing by 20 per cent at most, the posta~e rates fixed by Ante, p. 2759. Article 34, SectIOn 1, in accord- ance with the indications of the following table: Table. Mini· Maxi· mum mum limits limits --- - Cen· Cen· Letters: time, tima First unit............ __ .. . . _. 20 35 Each additional unlt ••..•• _. 12 21 Post cards: Single ....... __ • __ •••••••••• _ 12 21 With rerlY paid ......... _•• . 24 42 Commercia papers: Each 50 grams ••• _._ .... _ _ ••. 4 7 Minimum charge .... __ ...... 20 35 Prints: Each 50 grams ........... 4 7 Ualsed print for the blind: Each 1,000 grams •••••••••••••• __ •.•. 2.4 4.2 sam~~ho~n;16:07, 19 November 2014 (UTC)~: .•••••• . 4 7 Minimum charge ............ 8 14 Small packets: Each 5Ograrus ............. __ 8 14 Minimum charge............ 40 70 The rates chosen shall, as far as Basis of changed possible, be in the same propor- rates. tion among themselves as the basic rates, each Administration having the option of rounding off its rates to suit the convenience of its monetary system.