Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/800

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2816 UNIVERSAL POSTAL COXVE~TION. MARCH 20, 1934. cation ne se rapportant pas di- rectement a l'execution du travail. Notations which may Ces documents peuvent etre accompany. accompagnes de fiches de rappel Commercial papers. PO.i, p. 2820. Prints. Articles considered as. Exclusions. ou bordereaux d'envoi portant les mentions suivantes ou des indi- cations analogues: enumeration des pieces composant l'envoi, re- ferences a une correspondance echangee entre l'expediteur et Ie destinataire, tenes que: "Annexe a notre lettre du ________________________ a~. ______________ N otro reference __ ____ __ ____ __ References du dient ______________ " . Les correspondances de date ancienne peuvent etre munies des timbres-poste obliteres qui ont servi a leur affranchissement primitif. 2. -Les papiers d'affaires sont soumis, en ce qui concerne la forme et Ie conditionnement, aux dispositions prescrites a l'artide 119 ci-apres pour les imprimes. ARTICLE 116 Imprime.~. I.-Sont consideres ('omme im- primes, les journaux et om-rages periodi1ues, les livres, les bro- chures, es papiers de musique, les cartes de vlsite, les cartes-adresse, les cpreuves d'imprimerie, les gravures, les photographies ct les albums contenant des photo- graphies, les images, les dessins, plans, cartes geographiques, pa- trons a decouper, catalogues, prospectus, annonces et avis di- vers, imprimes, graves, litho- graphies ou autographies, et, en general, toutcs les impressions ou reproductions obtenues sur papier ou autre matiere assimilable au papier, sur parchemin ou sur car- ton, au moyen de la typographic, de la gravure, de la lithographie et de l'autographie, on de tout autre procede mecanique, facile a recon- naitre, hormis Ie decalque, les timbres a caracteres mobiles ou non et la machine a ecrire. 2.- La taxe des impr.imes n'est pas applicable aux imprimes qui portent des signes quelconques directly to the execution of the work. Such documents may be ac- companied by reference slips or notes bearing the following or similar notations: Enumeration of the pieces composing the ship- ment, references to correspond- ence exchanged between the send- er and the addressee, such as: "Inclosure for our letter of ______ .. _______ addressed to ~ . ______________ . Our reference ______________ . Customer's ref- erence ______________ . " Ou t-of-d ate correspondence may bear canceled postage stamps WhICh have served to pay the original postage. 2. Commercial papers are sub- ject, in regard to form and make- up, to the provisions laid down by Article 119 hereafter for prints. ARTICLE 116 Prints 1. The following arc consid- ered as prints: Newspapers and periodicals, books, pamphlets, sheet-music, visiting cards, ad- dress cards, printing proofs, en- gravings, photographs and albums containing photographs, pictures, drawings, plans, maps, cut-out patterns, catalogs, prospectuses, advertisements, and printed, en- graved, lithographed or auto- graphed notices of various kinds, and, in general, all impressions or reproductions obtained on paper or other material assimilable to paper, on parchment or on card- board, by means of printing, en- graving, lithography, autography or any other easily recognizable mechanical process, with the ex- ception of the copying press, stamps with movable or immov- able type, and the typewriter. 2. The print rate does not ap- ply to prints which beur finy marks capable of constituting a