Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/816

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2832 UXIVERSAL POSTAL CON"VEXTIOX. MAHCH 20, 1934. 2. -Les formules afferentes flUX envois greves de rembourse- ment qui, pour un motif quelcon- que, sont renvoyes a l'origine doivent etre annulees par les soins de l'Administrati.on qui effectue Ie renvoi. Duplicates for lost 3.- Lorsque les formules affe-


rcntes aux envois greves de rem- boursement sont egarees, perdues ou detruites avant l'encaissement PMI, p. 2891i. "ndelivered or un· l,dd money orders. du montant du remboursement, Ie bureau destinataire en etahlit des duplicata sur formule C 8 ou sur formule do hulletin de verse- ment, selon Ie cas. ARTICLE t39 Mandats de remboursement non delivres ou non encai."I8e.~. Les mandats de remhoursement qui n'ont pu etre delivres aux beneficiaires sont, aprcs avoir ete eventuellement soumis ala forma- lite du visa pour date, quittances par l'Admimstration d'oribrine des envois que ces titres concernent et portes en compte a l'Administra- tion qui les a emis. II en est de meme des mando.ts de remboursement qui ont ete remis aux ayants droit, mais dont Ie' montant n'a pas etC cncaisse. Toutefois, ces titres doh-ent, au prealable, etre rem- places par des autorisations de payement dressees par l'Adminis- tration d'origine des mandats. 2. The forms relating to C. o. D. articles which arc returned to origin for any reason shall be canceled by the Administration which effects the return. 3. "llen forms relating to C. O. D . articles are lost, misplaced or destroyed before the amounts of the trade charges are collected, the office of destination makes up duplicates on .Form C 8, or on the transfer-bulletin form, as the case may be. AHTICLE 139 endelivered or unpaid O. O . D . money orders C. O . D. money orders which it has been impossible to deliver to the payees are, after having been submitted, if necessary, to the formality of indorsement for ex- tension of validity, receipted by the Administration of origm of the articles to which such orders re- late, and debited in the account to the Administration which has issued them. The same applies to C. O . D. money orders which have been delivered to the payees, but whose amounts have not been collected. However, such orders should first be replaced by authorizations for payment made up by the Admin- Istration of origin of the orders. ARTICLE 140 ARTICLE 140 P08t, p. 2896. Entries. Decompte des mandats de rem- Account of O. O . D . money orlkrs boursement. t. - Sauf entente contraire, Ie decompte relatif aux mandats de remboursement payes est etabli sur formule conforme au modele C 9 ci-annexe et joint au compte mensuel des mandats de poste. 2. -Dans ce compte particulier, qui est accompagne des, mandats de remboursement payes et quit- tances, les mandats sont inscrits dans l'ordre alphabetique des bureaux d'emission et suivant 1. Barring contrary agreement, the account relative to C. O . D. money orders paid is made up on a form agreeing with Model C 9 hereto appended, and is attached to the monthly money-order account. 2. In this individual account, which is accompanied by the paid and receipted C. O . D . money orders, the orders are entered in the alphabetical order of the offices of issue and in the numeri-