Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/845

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20, 1934. 2861 reau constate une erreur dans les nombres inscrits, il rectifie la feuille et signale immediatement l'erreur au bureau d'echange ex- pediteur au moyen d'un bulletin de verification conforme au mo- delo C 20 ci-annexe. Toutefois, on co qui concerno Ie poids d'un sac, l'indication du bureau d'e- chango expediteur est trnuo pour valablc, a moins que Ie poids reel no depassc de plus de 2.10 grammps Ie poids maximum de la categoric dans laquelle ce sac a etc inscrit. ARTICLE 164 Confection des releve,.; des depeches closeb. l.- Aussit6t quo possible apres la clOture des operations do statis- tique, les bureaux destinataires dressent en autant d'expeditions qu'il y a d'Administrations in- tcresseeR, y compris celle du lieu de depart, des rei eVeR con formes au modele C 21 ci-annexe et transmottent cos roleves aux bu- reaux d'echange de l'Administra- tion oxpeditrico pour etre rcv~tus de leur acceptation. Ces bureaux, upres avoir accepte Ies releves, les trunsmettent a leur Administra- tion centrale qui les rcpartit entre les Administrations intc- ressees. 2.- Si les releves C 21 ne sont pllR parvenus aux bureaux d'eehange de I'Administration ex- pcditrice ou leur sont purvenus en nombre insufJisunt duns Ie dclni de trois mois (quatre mois dll.nR les cchanges avec les pays cloigncs), a compter du jour de l'expedition de lu derniere de- peche a comprendre dunR la stutistique, ces bureaux dresscnt eux-memes lesdits releves, en nombre sufJisant, d'aprcs leurs propres indications et en inscri- vunt Sill' chacun d'eux la mention: "Lrs T(,leves C 21 du bureau desti- nataire ne sont pns parvenus dans 10 dclai reglemcntairc." lIs les transmettent ensuite a leur Ad- ministration centrale qui les rc- partit entr~ les Administrations en cause. an error in the numbers entored, it corrects the bill and immedi- ately reports the error to the dis- patching exchange office by means of a bulletin of verification con- forming to Model C 20 hl~reto appended. However, in regard to the weight of a sack, the state- ment of the dispatching exchange office is considered as valid unless the actual weight exceeds the maximum weight of the class in which that sack has been entered by more than 250 grams. AUTICLE 164 Preparat'ion oj statements jor closed mails Weight of SliCks. Po&I. IJ . 2910. 1. As soon as possible after the Preparing st'lterntlot3 If..I . h for dosed malls. C ose 0 statIstica operatIons, t e offices of destination make up, in as many copies as there are Ad- ministrations concerned, includ- ing that of the country of origin, statements conforming to Model Posi. IJ . : .!Ilil. C 21 hereto appended, and trans- mit such statements to the ex- chan~e offices of the disJ!atching Adrrunistrntion to be mdorsed with their acceptance. Those offices, after having accepted the statements, trnnsrnit them to their c e n t r u 1 Administration, which distributes them among the Administrations concerned. 2. If the Forms C 21 have not Hnot reL1Jivild. reached the exchange offices of the Administration of origin, or if they have not arrived there in sufficient numhers, within a pe- riod of three months (four months in exchanges with distant coun- tries), counting from the date of disl)atch of the last mail to be inc uded in the statistics, those offices themselves make up the said forms in sufficient numbers in accordance with their own records, and ent('r on ('ach one of them the note: Les releves ('! 21 du bureau de!-ltinataire ne ,~01i t pas parvenus dans le delai reglemen- taire (The Forms C 21 of tho PI)"I . p. ~III ofiice of destination did not arrive within the prescrihed period). They then transmit them to their central Administration, which dis- trihutes thelll among the Adminis- tratiolls concerned.