Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/848

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2864 Accounting, etc. Transit charges. Calculation of. . -IMt· , ft. 2860. Allte, [l. 2;83. POl!I, 1'. 2914. UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20,19:34. CIIAPITRE II COMPTABILITf.;. Rf.:GLEMENT DES COMPTES. ARTICLE 169 Compte des frais de transit. I. -Pour l'6tablissement des comptes de transit, les sacs Iegers, moyens ou lourds, tcls qu'ils sont definis it l'artide 163, sont portes en compte rcspectivement pour les poids moycns de 3, 120u 24 kilogrammes. 2. -Le poids des dcpeches closes est multipli6 par 26 ou 13, scIon Ie cas, et Ie produit sert de base it des comptes partieuliers etabli:,;san t en francs les sommes annuellcs revenant a chaque Ad- ministration. Dans Ie cas OU Ie multiplicateur 26 on 13 ne repond pas au trafic normul, I('s Administrations inte- ressees s'entendent pour l'adop- tion d'un autre multiplicateur qui vaut pendant les Rnnces aux- queUes s'applique la statistique. Le Hoin de dresser I('s comptes incombe al'Administration crean- cierc qui I('s transmct a I'Admi- nistration debitrice. 3. -A fin de tcnir compte du poids des sacs <'t de l'embnllage ainsi que des categories de cor- respondnnces exempt('s de tous frais de trnnsit en conformitc des dispositions de l'article 76 de la Convention, Ie montnnt totul du compte des d6peches closes est reduit de 10%. 4.- Les comptcs particuli('rs Ront dresses en double expedition. sur formule conforme au modele C 24 ci-annexc, d'apres Ies rel('vcs C 21. Ils sont trunsmis a l'Ad- ministration expcditricc allssit6t que possible et, au plus tard, dans un delui de dix mois suivant I'('x- piration de In periode de statis- tique. 5. -Si l'Administration qui n envoye Ie compte pnrticulier n'a re<;m aucune ohservut.ion rectifi- cative dans un in tervalle de qllutre mois a compteI' de l'envoi, ce compte est considere COIllme admis de plein droit. CHAPTER II ACCOUNTING. ADJUSTMENT OF ACCOUNTS ARTICLE 169 Transit-charge account 1. For the preparation of transit accounts, the light, medium or heavy sacks, as defined by Article 163, are considered as having their average weights of 3, 12 or 24 kilograms respectively. 2. The weight of the closed mails is multiplied by 26 or 13, as the case may be, and the prod- uct serves as the bnsis for individ- ual accounts showing, in francs, the annual payments due to each Administration. In case that the multiplier 26 or 13 does not correspond to the normal traffic, the Administru- tions concerned come to an agree- ment for the adoption of nnother multiplier which holds good dur- ing the years to which the statis- tics apply. The duty of making up the accounts is incumbent upon the creditor Administrution, which trnnsmits them to the debtor Administration.

~. In order to take n('('ount of

the wejght of the sa('ks nnd pack- ing, as wdl us of the dns.;;('s of correspondenee CXNnpt from all transit charges in aceordnnce with the provisions of Art-ide 76 of the Convention, the totul amount of the account for dosed mnils is J'( '- du('ed by 10 per eellt. 4. The individual Iweounts He made up in dllpli(~llte on fOflm; agreeing with ::\lodel C 24 hen'to appended, on the hnsis of the statenH'nts C 21. 1'lH'Y arc Si'llt to the dispatehing AdminiMrnt ion Us soon as posRihle, and ut the ht- est 'ithin a period of tN1 months following the expiration of tli(' stutisticul p('riod. 5. If the Administration whi('h has sent t.he individual a(,COIlIlt. has not reeeived any eorredive observation within an intervnl of four months, counting from the date of transmission, that a('('oun t is considered as uutomntieullv uc- ('epted. .