Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/910

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2926 UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20,1934. Table of Contents- CHAPITRE V CHAPTER V Continued. Reglement de compte. Art. 15. Statistique de decompte. 16. Confection dee depechee ordinairee ou dee depeches-avion pendant les periodee de statistique dee fraie de transport aerien. 17. Constatation du poids des corres- pondances-avion. 18. Liste dee depeches-avion closes. 19. Compte des frais de transport aerien regIes sur la base dcs statistiques. 20. Compte des frais de transport aerien. 21. Decomptc general. CHAPITUE VI Dispositions diverses. 22. Signalisation dcs corrcspondanccs- avion. 23. Signalisation des depechcs-avion. 24. Acheminement par la voic aericnne sur une partie du parcours seulc- mcnt. 25. Mode d'CJ,:pedition des correspon- dances-avion. 26. Annotations a porter sur les feuillcs d'avis, sur Ics feuillcs d'cnvoi et sur Ics etiquettes des depeches- avion. 27. Interruption accidcntelle du vol d'un avion postal. 28. Dedouanement des correspondances passiblcs de droits de douane. 29. Application des dispositions de la Convention et dcs Arrangemcnts. 30. Mise a execution et duree des Dis- positions adoptees. PROTOCOLE FINAL DES DISPO- SITIONS CONCERNANT LE TRANSPORT DE LA POSTE AUX LETTRES PAR VOlE AERIENNE I. Frais de transport aerien des de- peches closcs. II. Faculte de rt'iduire 1'6chelon de poids unitaire des correspon- dances-avion. III. Surtaxes exceptionnelles en faveur de certains pays d'Europc. ANNEXES. Formulcs AV 1 a. AV 4. Settlement 0/ account8 15. Accounting statistics. 16. Preparation of ordinary or aerial dispatchee during the statistical periods for air-mail transporta- tion charges. 17. Fixing the weight of air-mail cor- respondence. 18. List of closed air mails. 19. Account ofair-tran s portat ion charges settled on the basis of statistics. 20. Aerial transportation account. 21. Gcneral account. 22. 23. 24. 2.'5. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. CHAPTER VI Various provisions Designation of air-mail correspond- ence. Designation of air-mail dispatches. Aerial transportation over part of the route only. Mcthod of dispatching air-mail correspondence. Annotations to be made on the letter bills, insured bills and labels of air-mail dispatches. Accidental interruption of thc flight of a mail plane. Customs clearance of correspond- cnce liable to duty. Application of the provisions of the Convention and Agreements. Effective date and duration of the Provisions adopted. FINAL PROTOCOL OF THE PRO- VISIONS CONCERNING THE TRANSPORTATION OF REGU- LAR MAILS BY AIR I. Aerial transportation charges for closed mails. II. Option of reducing the weight-unit for air-mail correspondence. III. Exceptional surcharges in favor of certain European countries. APPENDIX FormsAV1toAV4.