Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/921

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20, 1934. 2937 ~tablis dans les sept jours qui Buivent Ie 14 juin et Ie 14 novem- bre de chaque ann~e. Les don- nees de 10. statistique de juin forment 10. base des bonificatIOns dues pour Ie service d'ete; celles de novembre comptent pour Ie service d'hiver. 2.- Les statistiques concer- nant des services qui ne fonction- nent pas pendant les pcriodes de statistique regulieres sont etablies apres entente entre les Adminis- trations interessees. 3. - Parmesuretransitoire,I'Ad- ministration charg~e du trans- port par voie aerienne a 10. faculte de demander que les reglements de compte aient lieu, trimestriel- lement ou semestriellement, sur 10. base du poids brut des de- p~ches ou du poids net majore de 10% des envois a decouvert transportes r~llement j>endant 10. p~riode· envisagee. Dans ce cas, les dispositions des articles 17, 19 et 20 ci-apres sont appli- quees a 10. constatation du poids et a l'etablissement des comptes, etant entendu que les releves AV3etAV4doivent ~tre etablis mensuellement pour tous les trans- ports aeriens effectues. ARTICLE 16 Oonjection des depuhes ordinaires ou des depuhes-avion pendant les pmodes de statistique des jrais de transport amen. Les dispositions de l'article 162 du Reglement d'execution de 10. Convention ne s'appliquent pas aux statistiques blannuelles pour I'evaluation des frais du transport aerien. To ute f 0 is, pendant 10. periode de ces statis- tiques, les etiquettes ou suscrip- tions de dep~ches qui contiennent des correspondances-avion doi- vent porter, d'une maniero ap- parente, la mention" Statistique- avion ". tistical tables made up during the seven days following the 14th of June and the 14th of November of each year. The results of the June statistics form the basis for the payments due for the summer service; those of November are used for the winter service. 2. Statistics concerning serv- Special cases. ices which do not operate during the regular statistical periods are made up after a~reement between the AdministratIons concerned. 3. As a temporary measure, the Quarterly settlements Ad.. .hd'hI optIOnal. mInIstratIOn c arge ""It t le transportation by air has the option of requesting that the settlement of accounts be made, quarterly or semiannually, on the basis of the gross weight of the dispatches, or the net weight increased by 10 percent of the articles in open mail, actually transported during the period involved. In such a case, the provisions of Articles 17, 19 and 20 hereafter are applied to the ascertainment of weight and prep- aration of accounts, with the understanding that the state- mentsAV3andAV4aretobe made up monthly for all air trans- portation effected. ARTICLE 16 Prel!aration of ordinary or aerUil dupatches during the statistical periods for air-mail transporta- tion charges The krovisions of Article 162 Preparin~.di~pfltche8 f .". durmg statlstlcal pe- o the egulatIOns of ExecutIon riods. of the Convention do not apply Antt, p. 2,s5!l. to the semiannual statistics for the fixing of aerial transportation charges. However, during such statistical periods, the labels or addresses of dispatches contain- ing air-mail correspondence shall bear the conspicuous notation Statistique-avion (air-mail statis- tics).