Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/565

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Quartermaster General.No. 10. In the office of the Quartermaster General:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, three hundred dollars.

For labor, one hundred dollars.

For printing, one hundred dollars.

For miscellaneous items, four hundred dollars.

Comm’y Gen. of Purchases.No. 11. In the office of the Commissary General of Purchase:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, one hundred dollars.

For miscellaneous items, five hundred dollars.

Comm’y Gen. of Subsistence.No. 12. In the office of the Commissary General of Subsistence:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, two hundred dollars.

For extra clerk hire, six hundred dollars.

For printing and advertising, twelve hundred dollars. For labor, one hundred dollars.

For fuel, one hundred dollars.

For miscellaneous items, five hundred dollars.

Paymaster General.No. 13. In the office of the Paymaster General:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, two hundred dollars.

For fuel, one hundred and twenty-five dollars.

For miscellaneous items, four hundred dollars.

Surgeon General.No. 14. In the office of the Surgeon General:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, two hundred dollars.

For printing, fifty dollars.

For fuel, seventy-five dollars.

For miscellaneous items, one hundred and fifty dollars.

Chief Engineer.No. 15. In the office of the Chief Engineer:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, six hundred dollars.

For printing, one hundred and five dollars.

For fuel, one hundred and fifty dollars.

For miscellaneous items, fifty dollars.

Colonel of Ordnance.No. 16. In the office of the Colonel of Ordnance:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, four hundred dollars.

For printing, seventy-five dollars.

For fuel, one hundred and fifty dollars.

For miscellaneous items, one hundred dollars.

Topographical Engineers.No. 17. In the Bureau of Topographical Engineers:

Lighthouse on Delaware breakwater.For the support of the light-house on the Delaware breakwater, one thousand five hundred dollars.

For blank books, binding, and stationery, four hundred dollars.

For labor, one hundred dollars.

For miscellaneous items, five hundred dollars.

N. W. executive building.No. 18. For the northwest Executive building:

For labor, four hundred dollars.

For fuel and light, two thousand dollars.

For miscellaneous items, one thousand six hundred dollars.

Treasury Department.
Office of the Secretary of the Treasury.
Treasury Department.―In the office of the Secretary of the Treasury: For blank books, binding, and stationery, three thousand five hundred dollars.

For newspapers and periodicals, one hundred dollars.

For labor, one hundred and fifty dollars.

For extra clerk hire, one thousand five hundred dollars.

For printing, (including the printing of the public accounts,) two thousand five hundred and fifty dollars. For sealing ships’ registers, one hundred dollars.

For miscellaneous items, seven hundred dollars.

For translating foreign languages, one hundred and fifty dollars: Provided, That no part of said sum or sums be paid to any clerk, or other officer of the Government, beyond his salary, for taking charge of or transmitting passports or sea letters.