Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/1006

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I.Xfl INDEX Nation" Training ~hools. D. C., appro- I'age Na..I-Stores Investigations. appropria· p... priatioD for ___ _____ _____ 225. 2R2. 3~) tion for _____ . __ .. ___ _.• __________ 415 National Youth Administration: Naval TraIninl Stations. appropriation for. 9~ Amount availahle for __ .. 353 Naval Vessels: Fonnulation, ('w., of lahor standard" for a(>prl'nticl's, .h;!ies trsnsferrl'partment of Labor __ . . _ . Naturalization. SrI' Citizf.'nsliip and Nat- uralization. NavlQo Indian Reservation, Aria. - N . Mes.: Appropriation for- Flood controL _______ . __ - ______ . Fruitlands J.lrojed, Olteration, etc __ _ Hogback projet't, operation, etc ____ _ Navajo ladlan ReservatiGD. Utah. appro- priation for fluod controL ___ . _____ •• Navajo Indians. Ariz.: Appropriatioll for- Improvements, purchase of, belong- ing to certain_._ . ___ ___ __ ___ __ _ Jrrigation projects________________ _ Land, purchase 01. ____ ____ ____ ___ _ _ Water supply, development of. __ . . _ Lands and water rights, funds a\'ailable forleasing or. ________ . _. '. .. _.. Navajo Indians, Utah. purclt88e of land for, funds available _______________ _ Naval Ac:adem,: Appropriation for ___ • ___ _ . .. _. __ .____ Maintenance aud repairs ___________ _ Bachelor of science degree may be con- ferred upon livIng graduates ______ _ Restriction on admissions to, after Jail. 30, 1937______ . ____ • ___________ _ Sea-sen'ice requirements, appointees from enlisted men _______________ _ Naval Home. Philadelphia. PL. appro- priation for _______ . ______________ _ N.val Hospital .nd Medical School. D . C .• replacement of present facilities au- thorized ________________________ _ Naval ObserV8tory. appropriation for. __ _ Naval OIl Reserves: Appropriation for- Care, etc________ . _________ _______ _ Protection of interests of Unitecl States tn matters afJecting _____ . N...l Recorda .nd Library. Ofllce or. Navy Department, acceptance of gifts an,l bequests for, authorized __________ . . Investment of trust funds ____________ . Tax exemption________________ . .. ___ Naval Reeeatch Labor.tor,.. .ppmpri.... tion for _______________________ . __ _ l'!aval Reserve. aPI)ropriation for _______ _ N.val Reserve Officers' Trainla, Corps: Appropriation for _____ ____ ____ _ __ . . _ Penonnel Umit illt'rcased __ .. _... Naval SterN Act. approprial ion for acl- ministratioll _____________ •.. _ __ _ _ _ _ 665 580 579 579 580 572 .576 572 576 572 572 10) 102 477 107 107 102 663 226 97 340 25 25 25 97 )00 99 563 - 128 Appropriation for r('t)lacement of.. _ _ 114,767 Auxiliary. confltruction of certain, au- thoriz~l_.. _.___________________ 544 Government yards, rutio of construc- tion in_ __________ ___ ___ _ _____ _ 545 Pacific c088t, ditfcreutial for construc- t.ioll on __ .. __ ______ • ________ 545 Naval War Colleg~: Appropriation fol'-- Constructioll work ___ .. _____________ 111 Maintenance, etc_ ______ ______ __ __ _ 98 Navidad River. Telt.• ('xamination author- ized _____________________________ . ~54 Navig.tioD. See also Vessels. Damage to aidlt to, by private parties. collection of rcpair cost_____ • __ _ _ _ 667 Rivers, harbors, etc., establishment of aids to, authorized____ ____ ____ ___ 667 Sunken wakrcraft, marking 01, lor pro- tection of navigation; payment of cost _______ .... ___ . _________ .__ 666 NavilatioD and Steamboat InspectioD, Bureau or. See Marine Inspection and NII.vigatiou, llureau of. Naylgation. Bure.u or . See also Navy Department. Enlisted mell, Navy, details of, to___ ._ 115 NavltratioD, Permanent International Com- mission 01 the Conaresse8 or. appro- priation for contribution _____ . ____ 517 Navy. See olio Navy Department. Assignment of ;>fficers as inspectora, etc., of buildin~ abroad_ . __ ... ___ ... _. . 273 Enlisted men &8 custodialls ____ . ___ . 265 AIlxiliary vesl;Cls, cOIlKtrllction of cer- taill, authorized __ . . ___ . . ______ _ 54. Civi,ian Conservation Corps, detail of Reserve officers to active duty with 320 Helium, requisition of, from Bureau of MillC8 _____ ... . _________ ______ .. 886 Rescrve Offil.'(·rs' Training Corps, pl'rson- nellimit incrcalwd_ ____ _ 563 Nav, Department. Sec also Secretary of the Navy. Appropriation for- Acronauties, Burean of. ____ .. .. ___ 111, 116 A viatioll ____ ... _ ........ _____ . ___ III CompellM&tionboard .. __ . ________ 116 Construction and Rt'pair, Bureau of. __ .... __ .... . ___ __ .. ___ 103, 116 Contingent expenses ... __ __ ___ _ __ _ 97, 117 Engineering, Bun'au of. _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ )02, 116 Engineering __ __ __ ___ _____ ___ _ )02 Examining and retiring boards _____ . U6 General Board ___ .. 116 Historical and naval doeumenu., of. __________________ . 117