Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/1011

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J.NDE..~ LXVII 00 and Gas IDvestilatloDs, appropriation Page (or____________ .__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ 601 Oil and Gas Permits. public lands, i88uc to. certain applicants authorized_ ___ 808 Oil PollutioD or Nanlable Waters, Conrer- ence on, balanoes cont.inued available for______________________________ 229 011 World Exposition, HoustOD, Tell.: Dutiable articles imported for exhibition admiUed free; regulations_ __ __ ___ 740 Invitations to Stat.cs and foreign coun- tri('s to participate authOl'ized_ __ _ 740 No }<'tlUeral oLligation incurred_______ 741 Oklahoma: . \llpropriation for-- i.oldian chartered corporations, loaull to___________________________ 576 lndiallll, support, etc., of______ _ __ _ 576, • 581, 5sa, 585, 588, 589, S!JO Payment to, from royalties, oil and gas, south half uf Red River ___ _ 570 Platt National Park, adlUinistration, etc_____________________ ____ 605 Chickli8&w Indianll, sale of certuill dor- mitory properties authorizl·tJ. __ _ _ 537 }I'uft Sill, constructiull at, aut·horizl'(L _ 860 Gro~H production tax on mincrals, J'('- strieted Indian lands, manner of payment_ _ __ __ __________ ___ ____ 806 Quapaw Indians, State gr088 production tax on lead and zinc produced on lunds of, authorized _______ . . _ _ _ _ 68

Exemption from other State taxes_ _ _

68 Rcdamation projects, studies directed for development of, on Cimarron, Washita and North Canadian FUvers______ .__________________ 7lX lth.- ers and harbors, prt'liminary ex- aminations authorizcd __________ . ~7S Western Judicial District, COUft ac- ('ommodations at Shawnee ______ . tl25 Old-Ale A88istance. S~e olao Social Be- ("urity Board. ApPnlluiation for grants to States for _ . 344 Old Fort Nlalara AS80elatlon, lease of portion of Fort. Niagara Military Rellcn'ation to, authorized_________ 478 Old River, Calir., impro\'(!ment Bllthor- iz~'(}_____________________________ S49 Olympia Harbor, Wash., improvement authorized____ . ... _.. ___ __ __ ._... 849 Omaha-CouncD Bluft's Mi880uri Bridie Board or Trustees, commencement of ('onstruction recognized; hridgl! deemed It'cderul illstrul!lellt~lih', l·tl~ .,; I ()maha, Nebr., tiuu: (·xtcnded 1'.Ir bridginJC Mil'l8ouri Rivcr at __________ .__ .__ 471 OnllReock River, Va., improv,-mcut. au - t horizcd. _•. __ . __ .. _. __ .__. _.. ___ . !'Wtl Onawa, Iowa. till1e extended for bridging Pace Missouri Riv.}r at ___ . __ . _________ . 48 Ontonalftn H'lI'bor, Mich•• improvement authorized_______ __ ______ ___ ___ ___ l'·lX Ordnanee. Bureau or. See Navy Dc- partment. Ordnance Department. See Wt>.r De- partment. OreloD: Appropriation for-- Crater Lako Natione.l Park, admin- istration_ ___ _____________ _ ____ 604 ludians, Bupport, etc., of. 579,583,585, 587 Klamath project, construction, opers- tion, etc ________________ • __ _ 594,595 Oregon Cavl's National Monument, lighting sYlItem, etc ___ . . ___ _ __ _ 606 Owyhl'e project, constructioll, opera- tion, ct c __________________ • _ 594, 595 Bonneville IJroject. See separate tit/{·. ClackamllS County, .;onvcyance of luud-; to, for park purposcs __ . ____ .... __ 8-10 Columbia River, time exteuded fur bridging, at-- Astf)ria _______________________ . ___ 563 The Dallcs ____ . _. ________ ____ __. 27 Eastside, construction of dam, etto., at, authorized __________ . _ _ . _________ sSt; North Slough, construction of dam for regulation of flow of tidal waters authorized _______________ . _____ _ 856 River and harbor improvements author- izf'<i ____________________________ K49 Preliminary examinations author- ized ______ . . ____________ '" _ 855,880 Rogue River National Forest, landa added to ___________________ . __ ._ 5:14 Snake River, examination authorized_ __ 26 Orelon and Calirornia Railroad Lode: ApprolJriation for-- Payment. to certain counties in Of('gon in lil'u of taxes. _. _ ____ 2 21, 670 Surveys, etc., ofland and timber_ ____ 569 Conservation managcm('nt of timber- lands undcr Federal jurisdiction_ .. 874 Classification of lands for agriculturul purposes; restoration to entry __ _ 876 Cooperative agn!clllcnts authorizl'li. _ 874 Grazing, Il'asc of land for; use of reccipts. __ . _______ . _____ ._. 875 Land-grunt fund, annual distributions_ 875 Admilli"tmti\'e expenses_______ . _. __ 876 Countics, payments to_______ . __ .. __ 875 Rcimbur~hle chargcs against, pay- mco·toL_____ . __ .. _____ ._._. 876 Hogut' Rhcr Nationnl Forest. transfer of eerl.ain revf'.st.od, to). __ . ______ •_ 534