Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/1024

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LXXX DIDEX Sea Food J_ter.ter8 Aet, appropriation for P... Secretary of Commeree-Continued. rage enforcemenL ______ . _____ _____ ._. 428 Metnherof-Continued. Sea lsi.... C .otto., appropriation for ex- National MunitJons Control Board_ _ 124 perimentation in__________________ 408 United Stnte. &Iden Gate Exposi- Se_.. Bee aIM> V-w . tion COmmiasion______________ 489 Appropriationforrelief,etc.,of,abroad_ 266 United State. New York World's Continuoua discharge book or certificate Fair COmmissloll_ _____________ 493 of Identification, iasueof. _____ ._ _ 49 Northern Pacifio Halibut Act of 1937, Administrative provisions_ _ ___ _____ 51 rules and regulations by_________ _ 328 lIureau of Marine Inspection a" ,1 Pan American Exposition, participation, Navigation, records to he kept expenditures und"r supervision 0(_ 832 by___________________________ 50 Secretary of Labor. See""o Labor, Dc- Citizenship requirements ____ - __ - 49 partment of. Effective date. _ _ __ __ _ ___ ___ ____ ___ 51 Momber 0(- Employment lIithout discharge hook IT nited State. Golden Gate Exposi- or certificate forhidden; for .. ign tion Commission______________ 489 ports_______ .. ________ __ 49 l·lIitcd States New York World'. Entries___________ . __ . 49 Jo'air Commiasion___________ ___ 493 Exemptions_ ______________ _ ___ 51 Tedllli('al Tripartite Textile Confer- Loss, Issue of duplicate in eM" (of 50 CII('C , 1937, supervision o( expendi- Temporary eertificates, issuance of. 51 ture of funds (or expenses of. ___ __ 29 Unlawful acts, peMltie. _ _ ___ _ 50 Seerelary of State. See aha State, Dc- Marine casualty invcstigaUolls. S, " partment of, V~, Conferencc on Ex!.raterritorial Rights School ships, graduates rnh'd ll. "hi,· in Egypt., participation funds un,ll'r scamen upon graduatifJII_. __ _ ._ 199 supervision oC__________________ 228 SeaUle. WaaIl.: Helium, export. of, application ror Appropriation for-- lieense to______ __ ____ ____ _______ SS7 A88&yo16ee ___________ . 151 Inter-American Radio Conferem'C, par- Dispateh agency _____ .. _ __ __ 266 ticipation funds under .upen-ision Hydrographic 01600 exl',·" . .. . .. . _ 118 of. ___________________________ . i50 Seeollll Alllliatant P08Imaster General, J"tarnational Confer(,lIce of American Olli~e or. See POOl!. Offic" Depart- States, Eighth, Lima, Peru, par- ment.. ticipation funds under supervision Second Deficiency Appropriation Act,liseal of ___________________________ . _ 272 fear UI37________________________ 213 International Congt'eSll of Architects, Secretar, of A.ricallure. Su lllao Agri- participation funds under super- culture, Department of. vision oC______________________ 441 Bankhead-Jonca Farm Tenant Act, International Dairy Congress, Elcventh, powers under. See separate title. Berlin, Germany, participation 1"",,'Ct pest control, supervision of funds under supervision of. ____ _ __ 240 ('xpenditurcs for; report ________ 121,514 International Road COllgress, Eighth, Member ol- 1938, participation funds under Greater Texas and Pan American supervision01.__________________ i50 ElIp98ition Commission _______ . 58 Joint Committee of American and United Stat.... Goldl'n Gate Expo.i - Philippine Experts, participation Uon Commiasion _______ . . ___ . 489 funds under supervision of_____ .. _ 221) United States Ne,.· York World'. Maribuana Tax Act of 19'17, export re~- Fair Commission _____________ . 4.93 u\~tions, promulgation by _______ _ 5S.~ SOU Conservation and Dom" .tic Allot- Member of- ment Act, Amendment.., I>owrr. llf, Board of Trustees o( National Gallery extended where St..te pian ill- o( Art_______________________ 52 operative______________________ 3211 Greater Texas a,u[ Pan Amerieall SecretvJ of Commerce. Su""o Corll- Exposition ConllniSllion ______ . 58 merce, Department 0(. !'iatiollal Munitions Control Board_ _ 124 Marine casualty investigaticns, BU.[~·U- l'all American Sanitary Conferene,', sion or rev()('ation of !icen.... ; ""I",al Tenth, participation funds und('r to_____________________________ 544 supervision or. ____ ___ ___ ___ ._ _ _ _ 198 Member oC- Telecommunication Conference, Cairo, Greatt-r Toxa>: and Pan AIJlI'ri~an Egypt, participation ("ud" under Exposition COlllmi.....ion ___ . _ ___ 58 supervision oC _______ .. . _. _. . __ __ 272