Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/1025

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Secretar)' DC Sla'- -Colltinued. World's Poultry Congress and Exposi- tion, Seventh, participation funds under supervision oL ___________ _ Secular)' 01 the IIlterior. Set! also In- terior, Department of. Bonneville project, appointment of ad· ministrator by _________________ _ Helium, approval of exports by ______ _ Meruber of- Capital Auditorium Commissior. ___ _ rnited States Golden Gate Exposi- tion Commission __ - ____ - _- ___ _ Rr"lamation projects, iU\'cstigation of b;:.ancial, etc., projects, appoint- mebt of commission by __________ _ Secretar)' oC the NaY),. See 0/80 Navy; Xavy Department. Member of National Munitions Control Board.____________________ - _- .. - Secretar)' DC the Seaate. See Legislative Branch of the Government, Senate.' oC the Treasury. Sf' also Treasury Department. Coast Guard Academy, appointment of civilian instructors by ___________ _ (lov('rnment Lo88C8 in Shipml'nt Act. regulations by __________________ _ Member of- Board of Trustees of National GnlleQ' of Art_______________________ _ Nation," Munitions Control Board.. Northern Pacifio Halibut Act of 1937, rules and regulations by _______ - __ Secretar)' DC W.... Se. 01&0 Army; War Department. ~felllber of National Munitions COlltrol Board _________________________ _ Saml,les of equipmcnt, etc., to Prosl""'" tive manufacturer., authorized___ _ Secret Service Dlylslon. Su Treasury Department. Securities sad Exehu,e Comml88ioa, ap- propriation for __________________ __ Seed layestl,atloas, appropriation for __ _ Seed TeBtln, Coa" .... International, ap- propriation for share of expenses ____ _ S('elnl-Eye D",8, free transportation per- mitted, accompanying blind persons_ Seidoyia H ...bor, Alaska, ('xamiration au- thorlzed ________________________ __ Seminole IIldlBns, Fla.. appropriation for industrial assistan('e _______________ . Senale. Se. 01&0 Congre88; ugislati\'" Branch of the Government. Appointment of MemlJ<'rs to- Board of Visitors, Coast Guard I\cad- emy _________________________ _ General Anthony Wayne Memorial Commi88ion _____ . _. _.. _____ - - Goldcn Gaw Expositi"" ('ommil!8iun_ INDEX LXXXI P.~. Senale--Contillued. P.~e Appointment of Members t<>-Colltd. Government Organization, Joint COIll- 550 mittecon_____________________ 7 New York World'. Fail' Commission_ 4'13 'fax Evasion and Avoidanre, Joint COmmitteeon________________ 2!'3 732 World War memorials, Europe, dedi- &87 cation of, official delegation_____ 3~4 Appointments with consent of- 20 Civilian COM\)rvation Q;rps, Direc- tor___________________________ 3111 4~1l Coast Guard Academy, professors &8 heads of department.__ _______ __ 66 Counselor of the Department of 737 State______________ __________ 169 Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1937, supervisory, ('te., offi- cers _________________________ . 355 124 Greater T('x8s and Po". AlUerirJln Ex- 67 479 52 124 328 124 535 poaition, Commb..ioncr GeneraL 08 Housing Authority, lTnik'fi States, Administrator_____ __ ______ __ __ 889 Officers under, ret'Civing OVer $7,500 889 National Bituminous Coal Commis- sion __________________________ 72,73 Consumers' CounseL_____________ 74 Railroad Retirement Board, mem - bers__ _____ ______ __________ __ _ 314 Committee to Audit and Control the Contit'It('nt Expen8Cs of the Senate, ('orrection in amount of 88iary of _ istant clerk _________________ .. 325 Itt-staurant", increase in prices author- ized___________ ______ ___ ____ ____ 173 Seaale Macaual. appropriation for pl't'para- tion or. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ . _ 171 Senate OlBee Bulldln" appropriation for maintenance, ctc_________________ 172,179 Snlor Clreull Jud,es, repres<'ntatioll or Court of Appeals for DiRtriet of Cu- lumbia at annual conferenee__ ___ __ _ 473 342 Sequoia Nallonal P ...k . Calif•• approprill- 409 . tion for administration, etc _________ - 605 SeqIlOJ'U Orphan Tralalng 8e"001 , Olda.. appropriation for education of In- 409 dlanB ____________________ .. __ _ ___ 583 475 Sevealh Wodd'. Poultr), Coalre.. and ElIll"sltlon. 8Ulll authorized for Fed- 855 eral participation __ - -- -- -- -- -- - ---- Appropriation for ___________________ _ 575 Shaa,hal Eleeerie ConBtrlldlon ComPUI, LId.. appropriation autborizro for payment to Great Britain for aecouut of _______________________________ _ Appropriation f". r _____ ____ _____ _____ _ 67 1Shawnee. Okla.. oourt accomodations at_ Shenandoah Me1uorlal. crertion or; 10",. - 695 tion modified__ __ __ ___ __ __ . 489 Appropriation for eOllstructioll. . . 550 771 12!1 71lS 625 55. i15