Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/1032

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LXXXVIII Treasury Department-Continued. International Petroleum E!<p08ition, Tuba, Okla., importation of duti- able articles for exhibition pur-' poses free of du~y; regulation8 ___ _ Louisville, Ky., limitation on sale price of old post office, ete., repealed __ _ Marihuana Tax Act of 1937. See sepa- rate title. Minor coin metal fund, amount in- creased ____________________ - Naval Recorda and Library, Office uf, Navy Department, investment of trust funds of, authori.ed ________ _ Ncw York World'. 1939. im\lOrta- tion of dutiable articles for ""hibition purpoeea free of duty; regujationl ____________________ _ Norfolk, Va., commemorative coinage authori.ed_____________________ _ Oakland, Calif., diBpOBition of post office building and sale of site__________ _ Conveyance of portion to city. aU- thorized _____________________ _ Oil World Exposition, Houston, Tex., importation of dutiable articles for exhibition purp0ee8 free of duty; regulations ____________________ _ PellJ\8ylvania, Issue of dup:icate check to Treasurer in lieu of lost original ___ _ Railroad Retirement Act of 1937- Payments by, upon certification hy Board____________________ . __ _ Railroad Retirement Account, c .;tah- lishment_____________________ _ Actuarial Advisory COlllmittee; selection, duties _______ . Shenandoah Memorial, Ava, Uhio, lowa- tion modified _____________ . Smith, James Reuel, acceptanre of cer- tain bequests authorized____ ._____ Special Mexican Claims Commission, payment of awarda certified by ____ _ Tax Evasion and Avoidance, Joint Com- mittee on, furnishing of data to, hy _ Typewriters, prices of ptandard ma- chines ______________________ . _._ lillemployment compen8ation, pay- ments to States which enRCt~'(i approved laws in 1937___________ _ Vnited States securities, division of award for paper for, authorized ___ _ West Point Military Reservat.ion, N. Y . , jurisdiction over portion tran8- ferred to_______________________ _ "Trealiea. Co." ep.Uons, InterD8Uonai Ads, ud Protcrols, Between the Ullited States aDd Other Powers", pa~•• ( "ompiJer f)f I'tllppJenwllt to+ ____ _ lNDE.' C P.... Trenton. N. J ., time e...tended for bridging 742 547 647 Delaware River, near_____________ _ Trenwlth, Edward J.t payment to, for serviee8_.... ______ .. __ .... __ .. _.. _______ _ Tripier GeDeraJ Hospital, HawaU. con- struCtiOD at, authori.ed ____________ _ Tram, tax on. Su Income Tax. TaUp, U. S . ship, memorial to officers, etc., Saint Inigoes Bay, Mel., appropria- tiOD au~orized for ________________ _ Appropriation for ___________________ _ Till... Olda.. International Petroleum Exposition at. See separate title. 25 Tarke),. appropriation for ambassador to_ Tarke)' River. 10. .. . examination au- 668 322 thorized_________________________ _ Tartle Bay aDd Tarde Ba),oa. Tn.. declared nonnavigable waterways; existing project abandoned _________ _ Tascambl•• Ala., title of certain land re- linquished to city or owners o( 65 equitable title_____ --------- - - - - - -- Twl. Rlnr PolDt IJ,hthoase Resenation, 65 Wls., conveyance of, to State___ - - - -- Tybee laIand. coast of Georgia, establish- ment of Coast Guardstation ________ _ T)'gart River. W . Va., examination author- 740 ized _____________________________ _ U tl6 Uinta Nadonal Forest, Utah. appropria- tion for BOil erosion control. __ __ __ _ _ 315 Ukiah. CaDr•• appropriation for latitude obs<:rvatory ______________________ _ Uncompah,re. etc.. Utes, Utah, appropri..- 316 tion for irrigation _________________ . 317 Uncompahtre India. Reservation. Utah, appropriation for flood control. _ _ _ _ _ _ UDemplo),meDt Cenns, taking of, directed; 557 complction on or before April I, 647 7S5 253 155 754 HI 741 755 1938____________________________ _ Uaemplo),ment CompeDAtion, payments to States which enact ed approved law. in 1937_________________________ .. _ Unemploymcnt Compensation Adminislra- tioD, appropriation for grants to States __________________________ _ Unlla Harb..oa-, Alaska. examination author- ized _____________________________ _ UDifnrm Sales Act. D. C . See District of Columbia. Union Catalo,ues, appropriation for prcp- aration __________________________ _ UnloD or South Africa, appropriation fo .. minister to_______________________ _ Valon of SoYiet Socialist Republics, ap- propriation for &lubassador to _____ _ UaIoD Terminal Co.. DaDas, Tell., ex- change of certain lalid in connection with parcel-post building site ____ . __ 755 861 259 767 1Ii9 28 651 545


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