Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/1035

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IN))EX XCI Vlrglnla-Continued. Bridge authorized acJ'088 Potom2c paRol Walker River irritation Project, Ney.. Poco appropriation for••• ______ • _ _ __ • _. _ 577 River, in Loudoun COunty _______ _ 250 Wallace, Idaho, appropriation for care of "'ort Monroe, construction at, author. ized___________________________ 860 Fort Myer, construct.ion at, authorized_ 860 Fort Myer Military Reservation, con - veyance of portion to State, for highway vurpos""--------------- 20:1 Potomac River, time extended for bridging, at Dahlgren____________ 241 Potomac Valley collllllrvaney di8trict, collllllnt of Congre811 given to nego- tiation of compact for creation of. ~4 River and harbor improvement. au- thorized___ ____ ______ __ __ ____ ___ 846 Preliminary cxaminatioD8 author- ized_____________ • __ •••••• . _ 852,853 Shenandoah National Park, police pow"r &88umed by Unitf>d States; n .... tification to State•••• __ •• _••• • _. • 7(KI ! Vlrlia blanda: Appropriation for- Agricultural experim..nt station, etc., maintenance•• _. • __ • __ • __ _ "'_ 61;! Municipal government., defraying deficit. of....... __ ••• • __ ••••• _. _ Salaries, Governor, ete. ___ • • _. _•• _. Deficiency appropriation for waries__ Marihuana Tax Act of 1937, proviBions ula Ilia 765 made allPlicablc to ••• __ ___ ____ __ 556 River anti harbor improvement. au- thoriz~'<i_.__ .•• _______ ._________ 1\50 Rugar Act of 1937, of ,I<·t.. .lllin.... tion of quota under•. __ _ _ . _. __ __ !l05 VocatloDal EdgeatloD, appropriation for_ 1110 VoealioDaI EdgeatloD, Feder.1 Board ror, appropriation for ____ ••••• _.. .. _. _ __ 22:1 VocatioDaI RehabllitatloD: Appropriation for__ ••• _..... ..... _ _ __ _ District of Columbia, additional annuuJ appropriation for, authorized _. __ Appropriationfor. ___ ............. _••• _. W "'abash Rh'er: BridRe authorized Bf'rtlM, at Lockport, Ind__ • ____________ • ___ ._. ____ _ Time cxtendpd for bridging, at Merom, Ind._ . _____ . ________ •. _. ___ •• _ Wahpeton, N. Dak., appropriation for education of Indians_ •• _ _ __ • _ _ ••••• Wake Island, improvement authorized at•••••• _.... _••••• __ •• _. _____ • _. _ "WaI6da II", boat, !1ppropriatioD for purchase or.._ ... .... .. __ ....... __ _ _ _ Walker RIYer irritation DlaUlet, appro- priation for compensation of 8peelai master in ...... ""ainot.. ___ __ ___ __ ._ . 61(1 II!) 765 542 4i5 583 289 graves of firefighters_ •• _•••• __ ___ _ _ 412 WalDgt BaJou, Ark., examination au· thorized_. _________ • _ _ ..... .. _. _. _ __ iii!! Wapato IadiaD Resenatlon, Waab., al>- propriation for flood eontrol. _. _. _. War Departmell&. 8ec oleo Army; St......... taryof War. Appropriation for- Adjutant General'. Departmen~_._ .. Command and GeneraiStatr School, Fort I-venworth, Kans ____ _ Welfare of enlisted ruen. _ •• __ _ . _. AirCOrps.... _. ___ ._. __ ...... _. ___ _ Army WarCollege.. __ ... _..... ____ •• _ Cavalry, Chiefof............ __ . . _____ _ Cavalry School, Fort Riley, Kans_ Chemical Warfare Service .... __ _ __ _ _ . Citizens' Military Trah.lng •• ___ • __ Coas~ Artillery, Chief oL. _ • • _. __ . Coast Artillery Se'4001, Fort Mon· 446 445 446 455 445 459 459 459 465 ..1 10 roe,Va... _..... __________ 41;0 Seacoast defenses•• ____ • _____ • __ _ 460 COntingeneica. Army_. _. __ __ _ _ .. __ 444 COntingentexpenses, Department._. _ 443 Enginccrs, Corpsof. ___ • ____ . ____ 4;'7 ,516 Engilleer School, maintenance, ete _ 458 Field Artillery, Chief of.. _ _ _ __ " 4r.9 Field Artillery SehooL ____ . ____ . 4!i9 Flood controL __ . ___•____._.___. ~,17 Rivers and harbors. _ _ _ __ __. " ._ 516 Finance Department___ . ___ 4.15 Court. martial, expenaca _•• . __ _ 448 Deacrters, ete., apprehension of. . . 448 Flnanee Scrvice. _• __ • _ . 44H Pay of the Army ____ _ 44;, Private property, payment of cJaima for damage, ete ___ . Travel of the Army •••• _. _. _ General Staff Corps..... _____ . _ Field exercises_ ... . _ • • __ ___ _ ... Military Intelligence Dlvlsion. __ . Infantry,Chiefor.•• _______ . __ _ Infantry School, Fort Benning. Ga_••__..__.___. _____ 4[.9 Insular Affairs, Dureauof••• ____ • __ _ 1i16 Philipplno Islands, United States High Commissioner to •••. _ .. !jIll Medical Department__ .... _____ ..... Canal Zone garrisons, hospital earc. MilitaryAcademy__ • ________ ._ .. National Board for Promotion of Ritle Practice........ __ •• _ .. National Guard ••••••• __ __ __ • ___ _ 457 457 4('. 0 467 4111 Ordnance Department_ ... ___ __ . _.' _ 458 Arsenals, ""paIr.... _________ . __ _ _ 458 Rock Islar:d Bridge, Ill., operation. ete. __ ... ___ .____•._•••__. 458